Map your circuits


Active Member
i learned the hard way this morning why i will always map out my buildings existing circuits myself, no matter how good the descriptions in the panel seem.

Heard the lights come on this morning, but saw no light. Also, the no-ac-power alarm of another device in another room was sounding. Apparently the rooms dont run entirely on their own circuits as the panel suggests. There is actually one outlet on the wall between the rooms that runs on the other rooms curcuit. The lights coming on pulled enough of an initial surge combined with the other rooms devices to trip the breaker.

Luckily i was awake when the breaker tripped at the buttcrack before dawn so no I'll effects for me this time.

later today I'm going around with a kill-a-watt and a lamp to test every light and receptacle in the place while systematically going through each breaker. Also going to note my usage on each circuit.