Manganese Dioxide and h2o2?

I've read on several sites that when those two chemicals are mixed, they just create o2 and h2o. That being so, if I were to add that mixture to a hydro or aero res, would it would aerate the nutrient solution enough to increase yield without causing damage to the plants? Because I've read elsewhere that Manganese Dioxide can be used to supplement a Manganese deficiency.
Idk, any thoughts?


Sector 5 Moderator
That does not wash, IMO. Where would the Mn and it's oxides go? I mean, according to the law of conservation of mass, it all has to go somewhere. O2 and H2O is just H2O2 with the extra diatom removed and remaining. I'm not sure Mn is a serious essential for our plants. Are you sure you don't mean "Magnesium?


Sector 5 Moderator
Very interesting. The MnO2 acts as a reagent to precipitate the O2 from the H2O2 molecule, degrading it into H2O + O2. I think you would get a lot of O2 at first but pretty much none after that. But H2O2 is very good for roots; it kills a number of fungi and microbes. Just for the sake of oxygenating the rez, I would use a pump and airstone. At least you won't have to worry about getting a chemical burn.
I was just thinking that, in Aero for example, if the res is supercharged with o2, would it not increase productivity? Since the whole point of aeroponics is to utilize oxygen to speed up growth and increase yield. I understand air pump + airstones are used to oxygenate the water, but I figured boosting oxygen even further would create a better growth environment. Maybe if CO2 was used in conjunction?
lol idk but maybe you're right and I'd end up with chemical burn. Just a thought.


Sector 5 Moderator
Actually the main thing behind aeroponics is that it uses high pressure to create micro droplets <50 microns in size. I think you're thinking "If a little will do a little good, then maybe a lot will do a lot of good". I have to guard myself from that too, LOL. I've made up my mind just to go with what other people have found that works best and stop trying to reinvent the wheel. There must be thousands of growers that are better than myself, so I'm going to defer to them.