Man kind as a species

I personally feel that Christianity and other religions are positive influences as they teach morals that people should live by on their own and not because a supreme power says so. I feel they are ways to simply inspire hope in those that lack it in themselves. I personally believe in what I do not like to call as a religion but I believe in the power of nature, as all remain in balance, which karma is part of. I believe in mother Earth who has always been and always will be. Even though our species is unraveling all the progress we have made as the children of today are losing respect for their elders and losing their connection to the one who provides us with life. Few respect her and few give back to her as many would rather pursue materialistic desires that only harm her. We have strayed away from the sacred path that many will not gladly go back to. It saddens me to see such but that is what I believe in. And to think I am very young but teach many things as this is no more than a tid bit of what I relay upon those willing to learn.

Above ^^ is simply where I stand on the question I am about to ask on how people out there stand / feel about our people and the materialistic society we have created?


i feel ya on that one. our place in the universe is so small and minute. the complexity of the combinations of chemical reactions in this point in space and time in this dimension is friggin mind blowing. i love trippin myself out to deep thoughts


Active Member
The world is no worse now that it ever has been, bad shit is allways going down no matter what time period you live in. Everyone knows what right and wrong is right from the start the point of life is to be happy as for organized religion there sure are a lot of fanatics and retarded people to follow them out there but there's no changing that just live be happy and if someone fucks up your happiness cut them out your life ain't worth the wasted days you only got so many.