Males with Hairs vs Females with balls


So I was wondering what peoples thoughts are on this subjects we have all had a female plant start producing pollen sacks late in flowering. People say the seeds will either be feminized or hermi. But what about a male plant that later in the flowering starts producing hairs and pollinates its self. will it produce all males with a chance of hermi ? what's your thoughts on the subject ?

later everyone


Well-Known Member
So I was wondering what peoples thoughts are on this subjects we have all had a female plant start producing pollen sacks late in flowering. People say the seeds will either be feminized or hermi.

Those people are wrong. The seeds will be feminized if they came from a female plant with male flowers. People who say that do not understand hermaphroditism and how it relates to cannabis.

But what about a male plant that later in the flowering starts producing hairs and pollinates its self. will it produce all males with a chance of hermi ? what's your thoughts on the subject ?

later everyone
I do not know and do not really care. I grow females and produce feminized seeds. I do not have the room to breed, so feminized is the only way for me.

A male is XY, so it can produce a dioecious hermaphrodite. I know that all females have the ability to produce male flowers and do not have the ability to produce dioecious hermaphrodites. I am not sure about males, nor the resulting seeds.


Well-Known Member
I don't get too upset if I've run something too long, and a few nads start to show up. Any strain run too long will try and self-pollenate. If it's a female, and past her normal harvest window, the offspring will be prodominatly female (but not 100 %). A male that kicks out pistils after his normal pollenation window, will make seeds that are approximately 75 % male, and 25 % female. Definately not into ratio's like that. I usually kill off males early on, as I'm growing in a tent, and every square foot counts.


75% Male to Female Ratio with seeds form a male plant. Making a batch of Male seeds could be useful for future breeding plans.


New Member
Great info, which brings up a few ?s in my mind. This is my first indoor grow.

So, I have a female dubbed Thelma that did just that, started kicking out balls about the 5th-6th week of flower (my bad for not keeping track better), and only on the bottom 1/4 of the plant, on the smaller secondary branches. Around 10-15 in all, spread over 8-10 locations centered around the bottom. I can see where 2 of them were well hidden and I was too late- they already dusted, but they were so low (literally 2nd from the bottom) so I figured oh well we will see what we get - and there are just a few bud sites nearby that are now swelling with seeds.

I was going to hatch a couple of the seeds just to see what I get, b/c I have no idea what strain I have, but I did top the plant and it seems to have NOT liked being topped - the two tops now are not very big - split off three ways each on their own - but collectively if it was all one top it could have been a huge one. I was hoping I could find out with these upcoming seeds. She did auto flower in 18/6 - and the stretch in flower caused some of her lower branches to fall over from the weight - I can just see it stretched too much - I am hoping to take a new one and keep it trimmed back to prevent this from happening again.

My questions are - will this seed production be truly feminised seeds (not hermie?) and if she auto flowered (after 4 1/2 months) they will too right? SO many people said get rid of her and I said you are crazy, this plant is cranking out some beautiful frosty flowers thick with the "sugar leaf" effect.
I can take and post pics, but I am wondering if anyone knows - How can I track down what it is, if I have no clue? My clues so far are that it is a sativa dominant hybrid - I figured this just due to the fact that it looks like a sativa mix - but some of the bud leaf growth looks exactly like ruderalis drawings I have seen (I know it is used for making hybrids). ALSO - it has this, zesty, lemony - definitely citrus and fruity smell, with a slight hint of mint when I pinch the buds and smell the resin on my fingers.

Any ideas as to how I can figure out what it is? Its getting very close to harvest and I would like to have an idea!

oh - random ? - my other girl, Louise - possibly afghani bullrider - def Indica (bag seed, only afghani breeds at the time)- I noticed the pistils on the indica are like, HUGE, compared to the sativa they are 2-3x the size. Is that a normal thing to see or is it strain specific? (is it cause it is indica or cause it is afghani?) just very curious about how these things work.

Thanks for reading guys, I am just wanting to learn as much as possible.