

Well-Known Member
I say this all the time, but going "12/12 from seed" is the quickest way to sort out the boys from the girls......20-25 days after the seedling emerges you know whether its a boy or a girl......boys die, girls get repotted and put in veg for 4 weeks and then back to 12/12.....still confused why people waste months growing a plant only to be disappointed when it's a boy. You don't have to subject yourself to that sorrow.


Well-Known Member
I say this all the time, but going "12/12 from seed" is the quickest way to sort out the boys from the girls......20-25 days after the seedling emerges you know whether its a boy or a girl......boys die, girls get repotted and put in veg for 4 weeks and then back to 12/12.....still confused why people waste months growing a plant only to be disappointed when it's a boy. You don't have to subject yourself to that sorrow.
If you know what your looking for you can sort them out with out making them flower.
Male plants grow faster than females there more spindly with longer nodal spacing.
if you sprout reg. seeds in paper towel, you'll notice some roots are twice as long as the other sprouts. usually those are the males. It's not 100% but it gives you a heads up after it becomes a seedling to look at the other male traits.
They grow fast like that because there in a big rush to mature and pollinate the pre-flowers of the females.
next time you germinate seeds keep track of what sprouts you think are possible males. See how accurate you are after they've shown there sex.