male questions


Active Member
First can you re-veg a male after its flowered?
And is there any special diet for flowering males? Or for pollenated females?


Active Member
No I wanted to know if after a male drops its pollen can you reveg him and flower it again later for more pollen.


Active Member
Seems like it's a waste of space though if your interested in seeds why not just save the pollen in a bag and use it when you need it?


Active Member
Its not that its something I want to do, I just wanted to know if it worked. I'm gonna start some breeding soon with some genetics I can't get anymore, so I just want to know all I can. Thanks.


Active Member
I wonder because it seems like some breeders use one or two males for lots of different strain crosses, they must keep their males for years right? Or do they just have mountains of pollen?