male plant


Active Member
i just found two pods starting to open . my other male has gave me like 1/4 of a gram pollen so i went ahead and cut him down today. im gonna wait a little longer to throw the cuttings away to see if it will give me some pollen,cause he smelled so good and was amazing your info has helped me alot thanks..


Active Member
so guys i went ahead and polenated a couple of lower buds. can you tell with in a couple of days if the pollen has taken?


Active Member
right on bro. we bred the kush and got probably about 30 seeds that are just beautiful, and we got some seeds off one of the purple pheno hash plants so that's exciting. we'll prolly start poppin a few of em when the current round of seedlings gets further along (they're currently a little over a month old, a few different stages...)


Active Member
so im tryn to pop some of them beans we bread. i gave a few to a buddy and he has only got one to pop. i have 10 of them germn rite now going on day 2 and no signs of life. i know the conditions are good to pop them cause i picked up a few other beans(godbud feminized). 2 of them are poped already. not give n up on these beans..


You can observe from the plant, normally the pollen gran will get blustered with in 2 weeks of the flowering,
so check it with the dark color of the pollen.