Male Or Female?!


Active Member
Still to young to tell you got to wait look for white hairs thats a good sign their female . If you see and little balls instead that means there males or herme.


Well-Known Member
try looking straight down at the tops this has proven to be much more definitive for me with this strain


Active Member
Your plant is not showing sex yet. From what I understand it takes about a month before youll be able to tell. I would wait a couple more weeks.

things you can do to improve m/f ratio

less light 16/8
higher levels of nitrogen
more blue spectrum of light
there are others but i dont rember them all


Well-Known Member
I think you need more time man that's still pretty small it'll be obvious when it's a male/female and right now nothing is obvious


Well-Known Member
I just got done growing LR2 and the first one is a boy from what I see. I found they have a very poor female ratio I got 4 out of 10.


Active Member
Its on 18/6 and its gonna be for the whole time. with LR2 you can leave on 18/6 the whole time as i read. what'd you put yours on glock?


Well-Known Member
24 start to finish...take a look at my pics the plants never got over 9-10 inches tall. Mine all showed very distinct sex after 3 weeks from seed.


Active Member
so it seems like one is male and the other female...

however, all of a sudden the leafs toward the bottom of the plant (both have them) have started going yellowish and having yellow spots that look like they're dry.. will post pics in a minute but does anyone know what this may be??


Active Member
i think one of them is female and the other male.. i'm pretty sure but will post pics to confirm.

when would you say it's too late to get rid of the male plant?
i want to make 100% sure it's male before getting rid of it...

other than that, are there any useful things to do with a male plant?