Male or female? (you not plant)

Are you male or female?

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Well-Known Member
just kinda curious who here is male and who is female. some are obvious and some are open about it. others... not so sure.

if you post will you please vote. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Why is someone with a name like
CreepyStevie69 asking these questions?
just kinda curious huh?

alright alright.... you wanna know the truth about my name everyone. LISTEN UP!!!

when i originally signed up for this site i never planned on posting anything. i just wanted to creep along the threads finding answers for my questions. but i fell in love with this place. and i wish i could change my name cuz honestly i fucking hate it and think its retarded. names not even steve or any form of it.


Well-Known Member
that's what they all say..... we got our eye on you....

Back on topic......I'm male :)
im actually a little creepy but not in a stalk you through the internet and sex up while youre sleeping kind of way.

i promise. ;-)

but anyway... i wonder why main stream gardening is geared and targets women more but growing weed deals more with guys.


Well-Known Member
I have a penis.

i wonder why main stream gardening is geared and targets women more but growing weed deals more with guys.
The English speaking world is a culture which encourages men to be adventurous and daring, like grow a controversial mind-altering herb, and women are to be submissive and practical with their hobbies, like grow food for the family.