Male, Female, Too Early to Tell?


Any ideas? I havent seen Pre Flowers yet, or any hairs at all. But idk...2 of them look different at their tops, then the other 3 so i figured i'd ask.

Male ? Female? Too Early To Tell?


Active Member
Your best way to find out is to snap a clone of each one of them then put those clones on a 13/12 off/on cycle. That way you will knows if those plants are males or females in a matter of 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Too early and wrong angle to even tell if male or female. Pre flowers will show BETWEEN the stem and fan leaf.


Well-Known Member
Too early, and you need to get them in their own pots now before the roots grow into each other or you are going to have problems.
I totally would snap off a clone and try it but i can't for 2 reasons.

A. ) These are the only lights i have till the new clamp lamps w/ Reflectors arrive in the mail.
B. ) I Don't have any kind of Rooting Compound to ensure good root growth.

Can i still get clones to root, even without a rooting compound?


Well-Known Member
Can i still get clones to root, even without a rooting compound?
Yes you can, i've seen people on here clone by just putting it in a glass of water and putting it on a window sill, cover the glass to stop light and change the water every 2-3 days.
I've also heard you can use a dab of honey as a rooting hormone but i've never seen that done.


Well-Known Member
Be Careful growing that many plants together in one container. sometime they can choke each other out with there roots.
Depends how big your grow them. Just a heads up.
Oooo....I think i may do that then... I'll try both.

By the time my lights arrive, they should have some roots, and i'll be able to just throw them into flowering.

Awesome....Very Awesome...I like it when i hear good news.


Well-Known Member
I totally would snap off a clone and try it but i can't for 2 reasons.

A. ) These are the only lights i have till the new clamp lamps w/ Reflectors arrive in the mail.
B. ) I Don't have any kind of Rooting Compound to ensure good root growth.

Can i still get clones to root, even without a rooting compound?
Yes you can I've cloned just in straight Fox Farm Light warrior in plastic beer cups with pretty good success in the past just keep it would be surprised what you can drop cuts in and have them root.
Okay, i cut 3 clones for now. ( The other 2 plants didnt have enough leaves for me to cut clones from, and i dont want them to just have 1 leaf aside from the top new growth, So those i will cut clones from in about 2 weeks )


Active Member
uSe pure organic honey. If you dont want to spend on clonex or other type of cloning gel out there. =)
How do i apply it? Just Cut at a 45 degree angle, then dip the stem into honey?

Also, what kind of medium should i be using for them? Soil? Rocks? Sand? Kitty Litter? lol...

( I've never cut clones, or grown clones before so it's all new to me )
I have pure home made honey, straight from the bee hive :D ( My Family is really big on Gardening, Canning, and making stuff like honey, home made jams, jellies etc etc )

So i've got alot of organic food materials lol.