Male, Female or Hermi


Greetings in the name of His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie I. Hello! Well, I know this has been asked a million times in here but most of us are looking for individual answers to our individual grows. I am growing Oguana Kush from Motarebel. Out of the 10 Seeds, only one survived; I don't know why. Anyway, she has been on a 3Gal. Pot and is now on her first week of Flowering. I noticed a few days ago that the plant has Glitter-Like Crystals on the tops already and she/he or he-she has beginning to skunk a lot.

Today, I began to see the Female signals forming but today, I am TOTALLY SKETCHY because it loos like it wants to grow sacks ALL OVER THE PLACE! :-( I just took pictures of it in the hopes that someone with knowledge can help me determine the Gender of this plant. I will be totally devastated if it isn't female because I specifically acquired this strain because of my Spine Nerve Damage and Degenerative Spinal Disc Disease, which is said to sedate them all. Thank you so much for your time. May the Love and Grace of Jah Rastafari guide you all.

P02-04-13_15-27[1].jpg Left: Hawaiian Snow Feminized 5Gal. Right: Oguana Kush Regular 3Gal..

P02-04-13_15-25[1].jpg Oguana Kush... Female, Male or Hermi?
P02-04-13_15-25.jpgOguana Kush... Female, Male or Hermi?

P02-04-13_15-24[1].jpgOguana Kush... Female, Male or Hermi?
P02-04-13_15-26.jpgOguana Kush... Female, Male or Hermi?
P02-04-13_15-24.jpgOguana Kush... Female, Male or Hermi?


Well-Known Member
From what I can tell on the first pic it looks to be female but it's just not a good picture. The rest look to be male.


Active Member
The last four pics appear to be male, and like stated above, can't differentiate the first two pics.


Well-Known Member
people always do this....just wait man, you have like another week before you need to worry about the pollen sacks popping open and it will be so easy to tell soon...if you have a cluster of small balls its male if you see white hairs protrude from a single pear shaped green thing you have a female....never chop until your sure, as long as you dont have any flowering plants around it doesnt matter if your males pop anyway as the pollen will have germinated and no longer will be viable within three ish just keep looking at preflower pics online and at your plant and decide yourself! once you see it in person once its super easy to tell


New Member
I agree with kermit. I didnt look at the pics lol but just wait a little longer. its not gonna hurt anything to wait.


Well, since it is on its first week of flowering, I will let it be in there for a few more days; say 5 more max? I am iffy because I do have Hawaiian Snow budding next to it, since they share the same Grow Box. Hawaiian Snow is on it's second week of Flowering and she has been on a LST ever since the last 3 weeks of Vegging and I am actually afraid she will reach the top of the box since her genetics show that she needs around 11 weeks of flowering time. Anyway, I will post more pictures tomorrow to see if I see changes. I thank you guys for the feedback.

Bless and Love


Well-Known Member
yeah don't jump to conclusions to early.I found out very recently that what appear to be male parts can actually be female parts.Wait until you have bunches of balls before coming to conclusions.Although i think i see bunches in pic 4 of your pics..


Thank You All for Snooping In! Well, I hope it isn't a male because I am in dire need of medicine for my Chronic Pains. Living in a Non-MMJ State makes it even harder to track down strains; all I can get here is "shwagg" (Brick Weed, Border Weed, etc..) which has no medicinal value whatsoever. Either way, I have come to the conclusion that if it does turnout to be a male, I will cross him with one of my Hawaiian Snows (feminized) to make a Oguana Kush x Hawaiian Snow cross and see what comes out of that. I have even made a name for the cross IF it does happen, which I find amusing. I will post more pictures when she/he starts showing more stronger and profound gender traits.

Thank you all for your precious time!
Bless and Love!

Burn Babylon! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
It's a male, for sure. No jumping to conclusions there, that's what it is sorry to say. Anyone who says it isn't or that it's too early to tell has simply never seen one...


New Member
lol I missed that part where he said only one survived.. I thought he had 5 different plants because he had 5 different pics saying male or hermi hahaha.. thats why I didnt look at the pics.. but I just checked them and it def looks like a male...


hard to tell from pics but mostly looks male to me, next time take cuttings and flower thoese first to see what happens, looks like youve put alot of time into vegging, gutted for you mate, if you do end up with a female, id revert it to veging phase take aload of cuttings and start from scratch. how have your temps and ph levels been? the stress can cause this, but mostly seed companys are just lieing scum lol


oguana snow ..nice..
Lol! I actually will name the Oguana Kush x Hawaiian Snow Cross: Oguaiian! Lol!

Either way, I thank all of you guys for your help. I looked at it this morning after they woke up and yeah, HE is looks to be more male, now. I will segregate him in a closet by himself with one of my Hawaiian Snow babies and flower them so that I can get my cross.

How long does it take to get seeds? Does anyone know?

Bless and Love