Male and female in same pot...


New Member
Hey guys, writing here after so long. Actually I need advice/suggestion about my grow.

I have a small pot which has two plants (photos in this thread: The thing is that, now both of them have grown very well and they have started to show signs of buds on them. (Note that I've just watered these plants with normal tap water and kept them outside in indirect sunlight.) And it seems the smaller plant is a male and bigger one is female, (I'll upload photos tomorrow.) and some of the 'bananas' of male have already opened. I would like to know if that will affect my female plant as they are so close! (In same pot!!).
When I planted these seeds, I had no intentions of growing them for bud. And I would not like to remove or move that male plant (I don't want to hurt plants :cry:). So is there any chance of getting yield?
PS:To summarize my questions: If a male and female are in same pot, is there any chance of getting any yield? (As I said, I will upload photos tomorrow so that you'll get a clear picture of my situation.)

Warm regards,

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
The female's buds will be full of seeds if she has been pollinated by the male. Hundreds of them. Her buds will be smaller because she will put most of her energy into creating seeds but they will still get you high after you pull all the seeds out.

The male is worthless and will not produce flowers you would want to smoke. I would kill it now. You say you don't want to hurt plants, you do know that you kill the plant when you harvest right?

Hopefully no one is growing outdoors near you. If they are, your male will/has ruined their buds.

I really try to tell people to never let a male flower outdoors. Your pollen can cost another outdoor grower like myself tens of thousands of dollars in losses and causes low income medical patients to have to go without medicine.


Well-Known Member
No, you cannot have a female plant in the same pot with a male, unless you want seeds. As a matter of fact, you shouldn't have 2 of any plant in the same pot. Be a man, and kill that MF, or you are just wasting your time if you want to smoke decent herb. Peace


if he kills the male before it pollinates the female, can pollination still occur? just from them being in the same pot? i don't think that can happen. idk if thats what he's asking but it sounds like it.

be ez

Well-Known Member
if he kills the male before it pollinates the female, can pollination still occur? just from them being in the same pot? i don't think that can happen. idk if thats what he's asking but it sounds like it.
can you get a chick pregnant from kissing her?

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
if he kills the male before it pollinates the female, can pollination still occur? just from them being in the same pot? i don't think that can happen. idk if thats what he's asking but it sounds like it.
It sounded to me like the male has already dropped some of its pollen.


thats what i was thought as well. and if that's the case, pollination has prolly occurred . especially being outside in the wind.


New Member
Hey fellas,

Here are some pics of plants. And thanks for your replies, but I don't think I can take that harsh decision of killing the male. I had planted the seeds because I like the plant (leaves and other things). And I will be happy even if I get to roll just one joint from the female buds. Also there are no growers near me so my male won't pollinate anyone but my female... ;)
Thanks again.

Warm regards,


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
sorry man but I just don't understand your logic...the male will impregnate your female, resulting in seeds and less power buds on the female...the male has virtually zero THC

If you kill the male (cut it at the soil level, don't pull it out) your female will become bigger and will produce better buds.

As was mentioned, never put two plants in one container, even if they are both female...but the male has to die, it's just a plant that will drag down your yield