Malawi Gold ScrOG with Magenta Kessil


Well-Known Member
go mo :)

i wanna see the moon shots ;) bet you used the tripod and timer and all, gotta see that, i only played for a minute and got some decent zoomed shots, just don't go past 18x zoom past that is digital (checkered zone) and usually not as clear, but you could give it a go with the tripod it may help, i have done all my shots freehand, and usually on 80 iso (except things like the moon) fun for everyone

get that Macro Krankin Mo' you will most certainly be impressed, there are sooo many settings to remember, but going the procedure you will remember key things, like macro ;) and iso, 2 most important, and if you use flash up close and it looks too bright, back the exposure time down, and make sure the iso is low ( 80-200 ) sepending on brigtness of lighting

Moon Shots :hump:


Well-Known Member
All kinds of stuff going on today! Last night I went outside to look at my organic nutes so I could tell Flowa what brand I was using and I took a look at my citrus tree that is getting ravaged by something. It had earwigs everywhere! I need to figure out how to get rid of them.

OK - back to today.

Big Clone:
She continues to improve in appearance and vigor. She lost some fan leaves during the shock and is having a hard time getting reved up from just the tiny tip leaves. There are a few big fan leaves left and now ones are coming in so it won't be long. I am brewing some organic tea and I put the compost in my cheapo 220 micron bubble bag, dropped it in the 5 gallons of rainwater (what should the pH of tea be?), dropped in my little bubbler and it is happily brewing away.

Top before clone:


Little Clone:
She is in a big barrel and the soil needed a good soaking so she got submerged in the process and covered with mud. I cleaned her off and we will see how she does. I hope the tea will help her explode.

Mother ScrOG:
She is growing OK. I feel like she is not going nuts like she should. I am going to change my nute measurements to EC instead of ppm. Here is what I added:

  • Sensi A,B - 3 ml each
  • 1 ml superthrive
  • 40 ml H2O2
  • 30 ml Flora Nova Bloom
  • 2 gallons of water

EC 1.9
pH 5.4

I just went in and moved some more heads and she seems to be liking the boost in nutes and the low pH!

Here are some pics from earlier:

Long exposure with just room light

With flash

Section of screen with flash

Tip macro (for FlowaMasta)

Now to plot my revenge against the earwigs!



Well-Known Member
First Photobucket held me up for a Pro membership and then RIU took a big dump. I have some catching up to do!

Here are my Day 9 - 12/12 notes.

Everything is good, I started tucking branches before I took some pics so it looks a little trampled. The outside clone looks better every day and I gave her some of the tea that has brewed for 24 hours.

EC - 1.9
pH - 5.4

Day 9 Angle

Day 9 Tip

Day 9 Stem

Day 9 Top

Clone Angle

Clone Top

Stinky Tea Bubbles



Well-Known Member
It is nice to have all of the web stuff working right again.

Everything is growing great! Airing out the room because it is very humid. The temps outside today are nice and it is very sunny. :) Moved the lights a little and lowered the LED a little. Took a clone, took pictures.

EC - 1.9
pH - 5.5

Indoor Top

Indoor Close

Indoor Side

Micro Clone Micro Growth


Clone Top

Clone Side



Well-Known Member
Trying to lose weight around this house is almost impossible with things like this around:

Dark Chocolate Brownies

Triple Chocolate Walnut Brownies

Mexican Chocolate Twinkie with Cherry Filling



Well-Known Member
I clipped another small head from under the screen and decided to give it the clone treatment. Had a couple cubes soaking from last time and so I went for it. Clipped, dropped in water, got root gel tube, pulled the clipping out of the water and cut the stem at an angle, dipped it in the root gel, stuck it in a cube, squeezed out the water in the cube, dropped the cubed clone in my bubbler and put the bubbler in the clone dome.

It was all wilty for an hour but now it is nice and vigorous :)

New Clone



Well-Known Member
I clipped another small head from under the screen and decided to give it the clone treatment. Had a couple cubes soaking from last time and so I went for it. Clipped, dropped in water, got root gel tube, pulled the clipping out of the water and cut the stem at an angle, dipped it in the root gel, stuck it in a cube, squeezed out the water in the cube, dropped the cubed clone in my bubbler and put the bubbler in the clone dome.

It was all wilty for an hour but now it is nice and vigorous :)

New Clone

hey Mo, i gotta ask, why do you put it in a bubbler straight away? that would essentially wash away the root gel, the activation could be slowed. i always leave my clones for 24hrs after i plant into the rockwool to let the enzymes activate and root spores grow faster, just been the theory i have learnt. i have never seen this bubbler method, clones don't have any roots to begin with so as long as the cube has been pre soaked, it should be good for a few days is like placing a rose in a glass of water, she will survive for a couple of days, but thats not starting any initial root growth, the water will keep her perky but not growing

good luck Mo :)


Well-Known Member
Some people do it this way without any gel! The bubbles seem to be magic :) Must be all the nitrogen in the air (85%).

Welcome LJ! Good to see you finally made it. Whattayathink? Reading your thread gave me the balls to try it (the grow and the thread). Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Some people do it this way without any gel! The bubbles seem to be magic :) Must be all the nitrogen in the air (85%).

Welcome LJ! Good to see you finally made it. Whattayathink? Reading your thread gave me the balls to try it (the grow and the thread). Thanks!
Fair enough! then by all means go for it :) i wasn't aware of that simple fact.

oh by the way, that's some seriously delicious looking brownies!!! you have made me very hungry. Dinner time


Well-Known Member
Good Job Binksy! It is funny, if you look at my top pictures closely there seems to be a ring of growth in the center. This sativa is a slow grower so I will just be patient and remember what LordJin's scrog looked like at this stage :)I was away today so no new pics. I am airing out the room because it got supper muggy. When I ran the refill res it took a while for the overflow to start returning water. She is a thirsty girl. Maybe I should throw some Southern Comfort in there hehe


Well-Known Member
I am letting her go now. No more tucking and weaving (maybe a little). It looks like the side with the extra light from the 2700K CFLs is growing better so I added two to the other side. This means I removed my green light and my UVB light. I may get more fixtures to add those back or maybe I will get another Kessil... I added 3 gallons of water today and aired out the room. The pictures are from before I added the two new lights.

EC - 1.9
pH - 5.7

Top View



Big Clone Day 12 Outside

Micro Clone Day 7 Outside

New Clone Day 3 Cut

I will take some pics with the new lights.
