Make ur own complete cannabis nutes


New Member
Hey thought I'd pitch in, I've been makin my own organic ferts really basically from this guide thing. I sort of slacked of a bit on the burning of bones for phosphorus part but Im going to try it 100% the way its said after this grow to see if I get better results. I have three plants with varying amounts of the three nutes for testin purposes. So far, all me plants are lookin alright from my own nutes and will post pics next week to prove this.

Anyway heres the guide ( ) enjoy! theres a few more on their too from the user who uploaded the guide, I think theres some grow bible and plant care shit there too. Ciao
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Active Member
if you need some ingredients for mixing your own check you this place i have been buying stuff from them for years
pretty cheep and almost everything is sold dry so you get a lot for your money :)
skip burning the bones and look at rock phosphate or guano unless you are into burning bones of course :D


New Member
Oh cool, sounds goood. How ez is it to get guano or rock phosphate if they aren't available to you? and sorry newb question, but whats rock phosphate exactly?


Active Member
Oh cool, sounds goood. How ez is it to get guano or rock phosphate if they aren't available to you? and sorry newb question, but whats rock phosphate exactly?
it is a sedimentary rock that is mined
i mix it the soil it is ~3% soluble phosphate and the rest breaks down over time you will probably still need to add a little later in flower
I ended up getting lazy and mixing my own bloom nutes with MKP and kelp and it works freaking awesome
MKP is some powerful stuff and i only mix 1/4 teaspoon per gallon i don't think it's organic :)