Make the flies go away!!


Well-Known Member
ahhh so I live by the beach and we have a natural fly problem but recently, i have noticed really frikken small bugs flying around my plants.. Id like to say I keep a sanitary environment and I keep my bedroom shut and never open the windows...

so there was like a few flying around and i made my best effort to kill them off but everytime i go to water there are things flyen around.. not to many but I was wondering wehther or not these could become harmful? They are very very small. Anything I could do? Use?



Mr I Can Do That For Half
If your growing in soil they are probably gnats.. you need some sticky yellow cards or fly papper rolls.You can always put a bug zapper in the area


Well-Known Member
This stuff is notorious for these little white winged bugs. Are they the same as yours? I am into my 13th day of flowering and have hadt hem since I transplanted into soil (MG) MG ships their bags with these bugs inside in egg form. by the time it reaches store shelves they hatch. I've bought from 3 different storesin 2 different states and the resultsare thesame. It's good soil, just buggy. they don't hurt anything, but damn if they ain't everywhere! I live in the basement w/ my gro, so they are drivingme nuts.
FLY STRIPS work the best. hang a few arouind your room I put a few into my pots. the bugs come from the dirt, so I try to catch them immediately!
I don't like sprays around my babies, mine are mostly organic so I would never use a bug pesticide of any type...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The gnats in the MG soil come from where its stored at the individual store. Try to buy fresh pallets that are stored inside the store and not in a garden center and you wont have any bugs. I never get any bugs from MG moisture control when I buy fresh loads from inside stores


Well-Known Member
I'd wondered, others backed you up, seemsI l'lucked' out with the moist stuff. Having never grown before (and not learning of this site until after vegging), I had used MG. oh well, if I can grow with this, I should be able to handle anything. frikking bugs, you gotta' realize if I live down in basement with gro, then where do you think I am when I am typing all this? Yeah, say hello to my little bugs, seems they like the monitor screen alot! so fly strips hang all over down here...

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
ahhh so I live by the beach and we have a natural fly problem but recently, i have noticed really frikken small bugs flying around my plants.. Id like to say I keep a sanitary environment and I keep my bedroom shut and never open the windows...

so there was like a few flying around and i made my best effort to kill them off but everytime i go to water there are things flyen around.. not to many but I was wondering wehther or not these could become harmful? They are very very small. Anything I could do? Use?

you might give this a try!

Beneficial Nematodes - Free Shipping


Well-Known Member
hey so I wanted to give ya'll an update. I have started them on 10-6-14 nutes. I know it shoulda been richer in nitrogen but I was told this wouldnt be a problem...

I also got that fly trap from the local hydroponic store as well as a moisture/ph/light meter.

Any advice? There a reason for that browning of the leaves? First it was yellowing, now its browning. I do not think the distance from the light is that important.

Also, the roots have started to come out of the bottom of the pots, should i be transplanting them to larger ones?



Active Member
Be careful with the gnats. the adults will suck sap from your leaves and then lay up to 100 eggs in the soil. Once the larvae hatch, the dig into your soil and eat the roots until they are big enough to start the cycle over again. The sticky fly traps work to catch the adults. Try to put them near the soil. I caught a lot more that way. Also, you might want to use a mosquito dunk. It's a tablet the size of a 50 cent piece. It is made to treat standing water after floods so that mosquitos can't reproduce. Take a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with water. place a tab in and wait at least 24 hours. Then when you water, use half dunk water and half regular water. It is safe for the plant and it won't hurt your dog if he happens to drink the water. The only bad part is it takes about three weeks to work. I forgot the name of the substance that makes this work. You should be able to google it and find a better explanation. What ever you do, do not just sit there and let the gnats breed. They can cause a ton of damage to roots. You can find the dunks at Lowes for about 9 bucks for a pack of 4.


Active Member
Oh yeah, each tab is good for a month. So just replace the water in the 5 gal bucket everytime you use some. the tablet will spread to the new water in 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
If your growing in soil they are probably gnats.. you need some sticky yellow cards or fly papper rolls.You can always put a bug zapper in the area
Way ahead of you Mr FilthyFletchster, You know my feelings towards bugs, although you believe I'm the Roach Whisperer :mrgreen:

Here's my grow room solar powered bug zapper. I just cleaned the zapping coils with a compressor and it's ready to kill any flying bugs or fruit flys that enter my domain. :roll:

Gotta love the HID's powering the bug zapper! This picture shows the base atached, without the base it's 5" tall by 6.5" wide. It can be hung by the attached handle to a string or what not, can stand by itself with the removable base, and it has stakes that were included that allow it to be stuck in soil.

Best part is its under $20

