majority of employers favor raising minimum wage


Well-Known Member
LOl. that would account for the 8.7 million jobs we lost dipshit, so where are the rest of the jobs that make up this net gain of 5 million?

You really do suck at math, don't you.
let me explain this another way, beenthere.

of the 8.7 million jobs lost in the recession, several million were lost under bush's presidency.

does that clear it up for you yet, or do you need me to draw you a picture, washere?


Well-Known Member
let me explain this another way, beenthere.

of the 8.7 million jobs lost in the recession, several million were lost under bush's presidency.

does that clear it up for you yet, or do you need me to draw you a picture, washere?

Since all you know how to draw is penises, I think we get it.


Well-Known Member
Hey dipshit, it has nothing to do with what president was at the helm when we lost jobs, we lost millions under both Obama and Bush.

It's all about losing jobs during a recession and we lost 8.7 million, so now explain where all these net jobs are.
are you really this stupid?
ok, let's see if i can explain this on your level.

your predecessor loses 4 million neon corona signs, and when you take over for him, you lose another 5 million or so neon corona signs before you can stop the losses.

together, you lose 8.7 million corona signs due to your predecessor's idiotic ways.

but you get your shit together and you stop losing neon corona signs, and you start making them instead.

over 54 consecutive months, you make 10 million new neon corona signs, cancelling out the 5 million or so lost due to your predecessor's idiocy and then adding another 5 million net new neon corona signs.

does that make sense, washere?


Well-Known Member
LOL 10-8.7=2.3 not 5.

Another attempt at simple arithmetic and another failure.
10 - 8.7 = 1.3 you fucking failure.

but the math here would be 10 million new jobs created by obama - ~5 million or so jobs lost before obama could reverse bush's recession = ~5 million net new jobs created by obama.

and why the fuck did you try to submit a picture of someone else as yourself?


Well-Known Member
10 - 8.7 = 1.3 you fucking failure.

but the math here would be 10 million new jobs created by obama - ~5 million or so jobs lost before obama could reverse bush's recession = ~5 million net new jobs created by obama.

and why the fuck did you try to submit a picture of someone else as yourself?
I am amazed you got that, I thought for sure you would miss it, congratulations, even you knew you were lying when you told that tale of the 5 million net jobs. Good job.

Where did I post a picture claiming it was of me?

No where, thats where.


Well-Known Member
I am amazed you got that, I thought for sure you would miss it, congratulations, even you knew you were lying when you told that tale of the 5 million net jobs. Good job.

Where did I post a picture claiming it was of me?

No where, thats where.
yeah, you just crossed out the face of a RANDOM STRANGER then for no reason.

makes sense, you lying little bitch.


Well-Known Member
ok, let's see if i can explain this on your level.

your predecessor loses 4 million neon corona signs, and when you take over for him, you lose another 5 million or so neon corona signs before you can stop the losses.

together, you lose 8.7 million corona signs due to your predecessor's idiotic ways.

but you get your shit together and you stop losing neon corona signs, and you start making them instead.

over 54 consecutive months, you make 10 million new neon corona signs, cancelling out the 5 million or so lost due to your predecessor's idiocy and then adding another 5 million net new neon corona signs.

does that make sense, washere?

Math is hard.


Well-Known Member
yeah, you just crossed out the face of a RANDOM STRANGER then for no reason.

makes sense, you lying little bitch.
I do that with all pictures of people, if you had paid any attention these last few years. But you haven't paid any attention at all and now you look like a racist.

Why you always insinuate that blacks are not as good as you is beyond me, they are better than you in every way.


Well-Known Member
They didn't poll me or any other employer I know.
That is kind of like Congress voting against a pay raise for themselves isnt it?
I would have to question the legitimacy of an employer who favored a higher minimum wage yet still employed people at around the minimum wage.

Now, if an employer wanted to pay less, that is possible because it isn't permitted. But they are perfectly free to pay as much as they wish.


Well-Known Member
fixed it.
It's not welfare. If the government didn't give those subsidies, people wouldn't be able to afford corn. It's more like welfare for me and you than it is him.

Without it he would get the same money, you and I would pay a lot more for food.


Well-Known Member
It's not welfare. If the government didn't give those subsidies, people wouldn't be able to afford corn. It's more like welfare for me and you than it is him.

Without it he would get the same money, you and I would pay a lot more for food.

the price floor on corn is exactly what keeps it as expensive as it is now. otherwise farmers in other countries, say mexico, would grow it and we would import it for cheaper.

it's simple welfare for farmers. protectionism.

nodrama would NOT get the same money, he would not even plant a fucking crop without the $18 an acre subsidy because he would go fucking broke.

and we would get ours for less.

stick to what you're good at, bignbushy: inseminating subway sandwiches and vile racism.
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Well-Known Member
If employers are in favor of an increase in minimum wage why don't they just give their employees a raise?

This thread is as lame as the person who started it.


Well-Known Member

the price floor on con is exactly what keeps it as expensive as it is now. otherwise farmers in other countries, say mexico, would grow it and we would import it for cheaper.

it's simple welfare for farmers. protectionism.

nodrama would NOT get the same money, he would not even plant a fucking crop without the $18 an acre subsidy because he would go fucking broke.

and we would get ours for less.

stick to what you're good at, bignbushy: inseminating subway sandwiches and vile racism.
You're the dumbass. If we quit doing that we would pay more for an inferior product.

it would be cheaper at first. Then as farmers were driven out of business, the price goes up.


Well-Known Member
You're the dumbass. If we quit doing that we would pay more for an inferior product.

it would be cheaper at first. Then as farmers were driven out of business, the price goes up.
not even a decent attempt at rebuttal. just some nonsense about how american corn is superior to mexican corn (hint: it's the same fucking corn you stooge).