Major problems need help.


Well-Known Member
The plants are Super Lemon Haze and have been flowering for about 1 month now ive been using Big Bud nutrient solution and the plants are aeroponic but all the leaves have gone yellow / brown and the stems are going hard, ive flushed the water tank and havent put any nutrient solution in as i dont know whats up with the plants.

have my plants completely died and will i get any bud off of them. i can see that they have all started budding but fear they will die.

the humidity is around 80 and temps around 70 the PH is below 6

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
That's a number of serious deficiencies that may or may not be caused by lockout. "Below 6" could be ok or too acidic. I'm sorry to say that they aren't worth trying to salvage and you'd be better off starting over from scratch. No one fertilizer has everything every plant needs. You should try to get something to add to your nutrient mix for the next run.


Well-Known Member
Check for root issues such as (1) fertilizer solution too warm, (2) fert solution doesn't contain enough Oxygen, (3) root rot and my favorite, (4) fertilizer BURN. Definitely a few of these going on.....

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
That's fucked up.

when you say "pH below 6" that means you basically don't know, right? Probably contributing to the problem. Looks hazy as shit in there... Airflow could be an issue too. You're not spraying those leaves are you?


Well-Known Member
some of the lower leaves are fine it just seems to be the top ones, would it be worth taking clones from the lower branches and starting again?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Eco-bloom A&B with ph down has always given us good results in hydro. In my personal op I use mg ferts with domolite lime and refined wood ashes to ensure that my plants get what they need. I never go more than 1/6 of what the fert instructions recommend per gallon of water.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
lol i made the mistake of spraying them once thats kinda when shit hit the fan
I spray my plants with water from my res and I have never had any ill effects. I find it is important to spray your plants with fresh water as well. A good pump up sprayer is a neccesity in growing good marijuana. This problem goes a lot further than spraying your plants with water. Clone if you want, can't see any harm in it. I always clone from my seedlings shortly after placing them under the hps.


Well-Known Member
Eco ferts use tons of poor quality salts in their products......... there is much better brands on the market for pot.

Foliar feeding should be done with about 1/4-1/3 strength reg fertilizer. Then washed off the following morning to remove left over salts so the leaves don't burn under the lights.