Mail order mary jane+other


Active Member
I posted in an old thread about this but im not sure if its still alive so yeh. I just ordered some herb from a MOM called bestbud. I will keep you guys posted to see if this actually works and when i'll be getting my product.

On a side note i was wondering if anyone could tell me what type of lights i should use in a 2ft(24")x4ft(48") closet which i'll be using to grow 3-4 plants. i have a budget of 160$ canadian and live in quebec canada.Also couldsomeone refer me to a couple of AAA quality seed stores i need some primo seeds if i want primo bud.

Second side note this video of a kid getting extreme owned is very funny while blazed Wrong Kid to Joke Around With -

Happy toking to all, :leaf: Shindai :leaf: