Magnetic or electronic ballast?


Well-Known Member
LMAO. It's funny how pig headed people can be. Especially growers, they just clamp on to what they know and are not even open to new ideas. Then these people just put their uninformed opinions out there as fact. The price difference between magnetic and digital ballasts is like $50. $50! Are you fucking kidding me? What is $50? I wipe me ass with $50. You will twice that on bulb replacements due to the fact that mag ballasts are hard on bulbs and lose 10x that on potential production because the supply less light. AND there efficiency degrades over time. A 25yo ballast? Who in the hell would ever use that? Probably 1300 watts of input for 1000 watts of output

Here is a good comparison article that includes what I already learned but are too lazy to type out:

Read that and then come back and tell me a mag ballast is the way to go.
Nigga please, go play with your cfl's


Well-Known Member
Dude, unbunch your panties! I was agreeing w/ you! the only things a magnetic ballasts has going for it is price & longevity, you said

It's all about what you can afford. .... If you have the cash, digital is superior, if you don't, magnetic will work good as well. In the end it's about grower skill anyways.


Well-Known Member
I was more adressing the previous poster. I don't really agree with the longevity claim as you will at some point have to replace the coil. The notion that digital ballasts are "fancy" or superfluous is pretty stupid in my book. No, they are not "necessary" but nor are allot of products that can increase yields.

If your just growing a couple plants in the closet..sure why not. But of the 7-8 big grows that I have seen 10k plus watts, nobody was running magnetic ballasts.