Magnesium Deficiency


Well-Known Member
wow wtf if its karma than let karma happen dont -rep me when i was a kid my house was broken into and robbed... 3 times... my bike... stolen many of times... money... stolen to much... me stealin is my karma towards others... it puts me at peace n makes me happy, u could be a child rapist, a person who kills for the fun, and w/e else but ey thats u n if it makes u happy than so be it... live a happy life, im not gunna go n neg rep u wtf... n u shouldnt care what people think about u u know who u are and u know wats reality lil kid grow up..... ignorant ass people like u is what really pisses me off plz dont neg rep me again or even post in any of my threads... sorry that im not a rich arrogant ass hole like u n if i have a chance at something free than im gunna get it free... wtf wouldnt u ??? its like buying a raffle ticket u put one dollar in and lots more in return... well i put lots of money into walmart and i would like at least one thing inreturn.... i dnt know if people like U can understand where im comin from but o well guess u never will..... plz retain urself from posting after this i spoke my mind nd u spoke urs leave it at that....
I know this is an old thread, but just thought id bump it so everyone can see what an ignorant douche this guy is ^ i hope hes changed alot over the last 4 years
Hi guys, new here. Back on 12-20-12 I decided to germinate a seed for fun and see how big I could get it to grow. I have no money, so I went and purchased a cheap 3-5 gallon bucket, organic miracle grow and a compact fluorescent bulb (that emits over 2,000 lumens) from Home Depot. I germinated the seed properly, it sprouted, I planted it and within 4 days it had broken the soil. I have the bulb located directly above the plant about 6-7 inches away and turn it on every morning when I wake up (around 8:00, then back off before bed (around midnight). I spray water the plant 2-3 x day which I've now read may be too much, and haven't added any nutrients or anything of that nature to the soil (since I know nothing about what I would use).

Over the Past few days, I have been noticing that the very first two leaves (the oval shaped ones that first bloomed) at the very bottom of the plant have been turning yellow. There is also some very light yellowing occurring on some of the ends of the main leaves. Do you guys recommend that I spray the plants with some Epsom salts dissolved in the distilled water I use?