maggot in my tent?? +rep


Well-Known Member
just started a new grow about a week ago, using FF Happy Frog. the soil has been sitting in a kitchen closet for a few months now. So far out i haven't found many flies from the batch of soil but found two ladybugs and today after moving a cup, i found a maggot looking creature about the size of 1/4 inch wriggling around maybe looked like it had a red streak through it. is it possible to be a maggot from being in the kitchen area or are there problematic pests that fit the description??? i only have about 4 8 ounce cups of soil in a 2x4x5 tent. i've been keeping it humid for the sake of the seedlings. ANY help gets a plus rep


possibly ladybug larve? ladybugs can be very useful in your garden as they eat other pests such as aphides and spider mites, the Mall of America, for instance, releases thousands of ladybugs into its indoor park as a natural means of pest control for its gardens, however there are many different species and some can be a problem as they are herbivores and will eat your plants.


Well-Known Member
This is an Asian lady bug larva or w/e ...lady bug larva dont look like maggots at all IMO. Even though this Asian one is not quite what I am used to seeing (frilly crap on back) I assume all kinds look generally the same:

I doubt its ladybug larva. You said you HAVE seen a few flies right? Then that would be my guess. Fly larva.


This is an Asian lady bug larva or w/e ...lady bug larva dont look like maggots at all IMO. Even though this Asian one is not quite what I am used to seeing (frilly crap on back) I assume all kinds look generally the same:

I doubt its ladybug larva. You said you HAVE seen a few flies right? Then that would be my guess. Fly larva.

Without a picture i thought i done quite well :-P The chap mentions Not seeing any flies And Does mention seeing a couple of ladybugs (may be 1 female and 1 male?:lol:). " maggot looking creature" is not saying it is a maggot! is that a distinctive red stripe i saw in that pic you posted?


Without a picture i thought i done quite well :-P The chap mentions Not seeing any flies And Does mention seeing a couple of ladybugs (may be 1 female and 1 male?:lol:). " maggot looking creature" is not saying it is a maggot! is that a distinctive red stripe i saw in that pic you posted?

I once saw a maggot looking creature in my cheap soil once but i have no idea if it was fly larvae or something else... But im all hydro now so now i have less insect problems. Sorry a cant help but i think you should ditch the sketchy soil. -Push


Well-Known Member
Without a picture i thought i done quite well :-P The chap mentions Not seeing any flies And Does mention seeing a couple of ladybugs (may be 1 female and 1 male?:lol:). " maggot looking creature" is not saying it is a maggot! is that a distinctive red stripe i saw in that pic you posted?
I see your point bro, calm down. I was just going by the fact he didnt mention anything about legs.


Active Member
prob from the flies, get rid of any u see, no flies no prob and ur soil is fox farm ocean forest right.great soil like i said get rid of bugs and u are just fine bro, flies suck man.good luck man!and get those plant in 3+ gal pots roots need room MJ roots grow very deep keep that in mind,now go and grow bro!


Well-Known Member
Did it look anything like this?

That's fungus gnat larva...nasty little buggers. Reproduce crazy fast.


Well-Known Member
Yes they did look similar to that... hmm.. very interesting. FUNGUS GNAT LARVAE you say... i wondering where it came from.. it may have just been a simple maggot or another type of larvae however, I've been running a humidifier in tent so it's been very very moist. Fungus is they key word that's worrying me. You say they produce fast?? I will surely do research on these critters, but have you ever encountered them yourself. I haven't seen any more than just the one which was settled underneath the cup. Larvae that drained or wriggled its way out of the soil possibly??? but yes that was a great image.. although the red streak didn't look as prominent. It was pretty fucking similar. hmm . i'll let this ride though because i'm working with seedlings but if these become a problem you will surely see more posts asking what to do. sorry i didn't respond quicker to the posts ..Thanks for everyones help on this tso far.. any more ideas or suggestion are welcomed. THANX AGAIN:clap:
...reps on me today..


Well-Known Member
Well, all I can say is that you have some kind of maggot on your hands. Regardless of what it is, treat your soil. Fungus Gnat larva do wriggle out of the medium etc when watered. So thats most likely why you found this guy.

Yes, I have dealt with the little buggers first hand. Just recently actually. You can use stuff like Gnatrol, or Azamax to get rid of them (or whatever else they might be for that matter). Even beneficial nematodes will help keep them under control. Like I said, just dont take any chances with it. Find a good all around root maggot killer and treat your girls.

Sir Psycho Sexy

Well-Known Member
Yep ive dealt with those bastards too. If they are fungus gnats they will feed on your roots. Bigger mature plants will be unharmed unless the soils packed with them.. but younger plants will show damage in random splotches on your leaves. almost like you splashed fert. water on them.

You can keep the adults under control by hanging fly paper and making sure theres a breeze from your fan on the top of the soil (discourages mating) And for the babys all you have to do is let the soil dry up a bit and then at watering time they will all crawl to the surface and you can spray them with something. I used insecticidal soap because it wont fuck with the plants roots but im sure other stuff will work too.


Active Member
Yes they did look similar to that... hmm.. very interesting. FUNGUS GNAT LARVAE you say... i wondering where it came from.. it may have just been a simple maggot or another type of larvae however, I've been running a humidifier in tent so it's been very very moist. Fungus is they key word that's worrying me. You say they produce fast?? I will surely do research on these critters, but have you ever encountered them yourself. I haven't seen any more than just the one which was settled underneath the cup. Larvae that drained or wriggled its way out of the soil possibly??? but yes that was a great image.. although the red streak didn't look as prominent. It was pretty fucking similar. hmm . i'll let this ride though because i'm working with seedlings but if these become a problem you will surely see more posts asking what to do. sorry i didn't respond quicker to the posts ..Thanks for everyones help on this tso far.. any more ideas or suggestion are welcomed. THANX AGAIN:clap:
...reps on me today..
Let ur soil dry up and they will all die they breed in moist soils if top is dry they most likely will not breed,I do every thing i can before i use bug killer,there is always a natural way to get rid of them!!thats the way nature works!!:leaf: