made mistake... need answers


Well-Known Member
im about a week n a half into flowering bagseed, and i made my first mistake.. but its too late to fix it. n e way, my question is, i have that slow release fert soil cuz i found the plant outside and didnt have time to read up on a good medium. should i use 1/8 of what the box says instead of a 1/4 to try to prevent fert burning? and whats a good flowering fert, that i can get from lowes, menards, wal-mart, ect? please help!:wall:

ps its not MG soil..... donno if that matters, but i forget what kind i got... lol...


Well-Known Member
buy some bone meal at menards or any place with a flower department.

Bone meal will be the safest can also use a table spoon of blackstrap unsulphured molasses to a gallon of water every other feeding if you'd like.