lumens, light bulb, spectrum ?


Active Member
So indoors we are trying to create our own "sun light" correct? We use cfl for clones, halides for veg, and hps for flower. This is a different spectrum for a different stage of life.

I saw a dual bulb for a 1000 watt ballast that was a 400 watt halide/600 hps. Is this made for a one light setup? Would this be better for flowering by any means? Or is the 400 watt halide/600 hps spectrum be a waste in flower? :joint:


Well-Known Member
I think the light most likely has a ballast & fixture that allows you too put one bulb or the other in it. I am actually sitting here looking at my fluorescents and decided I am going to go all out and get a HPS/MH dual ballast / fixture support light and just use the fluorescents for side lighting. They seem cheap and plentiful on Ebay, check there before buying new from a store.


Well-Known Member
Yes, in fact it's probably a better bulb all the way around because you get all the benefits of HPS plus all the benefits of MH!! It works on the same principle as mixing 6500k and 2700k CFL's. If they only made one that was 600watts of MH and 400watts of HPS; I think it might be perfct for vegging (that remains to be seen!).