LSTing and White Widow?


Has anyone tried the LST method with White Widows? I have two WW girls that are almost three weeks old, and the stems are pretty damn stiff already. Apparently, from what I have read, I should've started LSTing earlier. I'm so scared I'm going to hurt them by trying to bend their stems! Anyone with LSTing experience?


Well-Known Member
White widow is extremely resilient and responds well to all training types. You might want to look into super cropping, that's what I do with my widows, thread is in my signiture


Well-Known Member
Totally agree with Adjorr... my last run I had 3 WW that were 4' tall in my 5' tent, and had to do heavy LST (so much so, that accidentally some of it turned into HST/supercropping, ie. broken main stems). I can totally attest that the plant is one resilient girl.

I was doing LST right up until I harvested. Just try to persuade the branches a little each day. If you bend it over, tape a pen to re-strengthen it. I literally broke a main stem 3/4 of the way through at about week four of flower, and with the tape job, I noticed no ill effects.

I just tied string to the branches, and then roped them to my pots, or anywhere else in the tent depending on which way I wanted the branches to go. At the end, it almost looked like a ScrOG ;)



Well-Known Member
Bend those bitches over! Show 'em who's boss. All the way up to the 2nd week of flower, you'll be safe to bend them to your will.