LST side branches questions

father nature

Well-Known Member
First question, is it necessary on an outdoor plant? I'm thinking yes to get the lower bud sites more light/bigger buds

Should I try to get them horizontal/level or on a 30 deg type angle? Bottom branches are already about 30 inches and still have at least a month of veg before it starts to flower. If I go level should I be concerned about the weight of the buds snapping the branch at the main stem?

Once I bend the down and hold in place with some pipe cleaners do they need to stay on the entire rest of the grow or will they hold shape? My thinking is until they get a bark which may or may not happen, they will naturally bend back up to there natural shape.
It would be nice not to have a shit ton of wires all over my nice looking plant the whole flower period

I'm at about 12 nodes at week 8 and around 4 feet tall and growing