Lst late registration


Active Member
these are about 4 months old, just startin lst...any input would b appreciated. One plant seems to have wilted leaves, but is takin nicely to lst. The. Tall lanky one towards the end is an untouched sativa. The other bushy light greeen plant is a sativa clone that bushed out on its own>snapped secondary cola while bendin but is comin back>



Active Member
its the second night and there is lotts of new growth on the interior and all the tops are reaching...lookin good i think


Active Member
Sometime the water runs right threw even though the top looks watered if you grab it by the trunk and haul it out you see the bottom is dry.


Active Member
thannks for the input...i broke a large branch pretty bad. i secured it in its place but the branch aint doin too good. is there anything else i can do to help healing?


Well-Known Member
make sure where u broke it is real tightly put back tigther and use some bucket tape tape it around the break point and keep ther branch supported by a stick or something to keep it from moving around and causing stress


Active Member
the broken branch died but it was holding back the rest of the plant. the plant has healed and is taking nicely to lst. pics 2morrow...or possibly 2nite.

peace love and dank trees


Well-Known Member
Good luck. LST seems to be one of the best ways to branch em out, though I have snapped branches a couple times doing it as well. Once I snapped the main trunk, but that plant was hardcore and came back stronger than ever. It took about 3 weeks to fully recover, though.


Well-Known Member
Dude, is that a pic of your kid? Bad Bad news man, DCF/Child Services will have a field day with that. Not trying to pry, just my honest advice that you should be careful what you post online.


Well-Known Member
as stupid as the herb? im sure u meant as HARMLESS as the herb rite?
hey, if they aint done shit about it yet then its all good, feds and shit dont bother with us small fry just trying to support our addictions and besides they really dont wanna give away they fact that they track people through what they do on the net, that would be a stupid move on their part IMO. anyways, nice grow man, how they looking at the moment? and just outta curiosity, did u trim your plants fan leaves so it branched out like that over time?