LST Help w/Link w/Pics + Rep

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member

alright, i read in the FAQ about using the paper clips to secure branches down close to or on the soil...i did that

so with all but like 2 of the big branches down it exposes all of the smaller branches coming off the main stem that were under those to more direct lighting...which i think will help it bush out more...

i know most LST say to bend the whole stem down to the soil, or under the first set of developed leaves...but is this really neccesary? shouldnt just giving more light to the leaves that werent getting any make them develope more?

is there any chance that just bending these down will change the hormones?

EDIT i was wondering, do u bend it down one way for a few days then bend it the opposite to promote even growth?

also, i am going to get screws and stuff right now because if not today, tomorrow i will tie down the top

the thing is i dont care if it gets a little bit taller...but i was wondering should i let these two newest leaves on the top that are about half to 3/4 of an inch long develope with the light right above them before i tie the main stem down for LST...

you cant really see my paper clips but you can tell the leaves are all pulled down i think...

if anybody can help or answer any of these questions i appreciate it...

off to the hardware store i go...


Well-Known Member
sorry about the bad news with the breakage silky.j but if u still need info ill post u some just let me know, i need that rep bro lol

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
i covered the broken area of the stalk with toilet paper and wetted was probably about 15 minutes after the break...i also have the plant tied up to one side so that the stalk re-alligned as close as i could get to exactly where it broke...i am expecting the worst, but i read that wet toilet paper could work as a cast...the break was real bad almost all the way thru so whatever, at least i tried...i tried to get the top of the plant too far down and when i tightened it the stalk snapped...somebody said once the air reaches it its fucked but who knows...if it dies, it does...nuthin i can do but i did all the damage repair that i could...


Well-Known Member
well i meant where on the stalk? how many nodes up? is there any chance of regrowth if you just snip it off and call it a topping?