Lst help please 1000 watt


Well-Known Member
Can some one give me any advice on what my plants are doing 1 of them is perfect with perfect leaves, and the other 3 idk how to diagnose I've tried looking at the diagram ,they get cal mag and botanicare compost teas,all organic I've added dolomite lime just incase of nutrient lockout any help would be greatly appreciated no 1 replied to my previous post.View attachment 3471712View attachment 3471714 View attachment 3471715 View attachment 3471716
the first one looks like light burn. 2+3 look hungry and the last looks like nute burn. What kind of soil they in? Have you given them anything else? And lime dont fix lockout.
the first one looks like light burn. 2+3 look hungry and the last looks like nute burn. What kind of soil they in? Have you given them anything else? And lime dont fix lockout.
They are in ffof and happy frog, I'm giving them fish emulsion and a botannicare compost tea that has npk of .5-.5-1 and a cal mag without nitrogen.
The 1st one is white romulan the 2 Is blue og, the 3rd one is purple cheddar and the last one is strawberry banana btw