LSD or Shrooms?


Well-Known Member
i would probably take lsd over shrooms, i've tried both and LSD makes me think more than shrooms did.
The way it was for me, LSD is like being multi-dimensional. i could see altered time, colors, emotions, and i can talk to my friend without saying a single word.
Shrooms was uni-dimensional, i didn't think, i APPRECIATED,,,,, colors were cool as well, and visuals were fun, but my mind was silent

LSD makes my mind run double time.
p.s. i usually take 4-6 hits of pure lsd 25. and 1/8 - 3/16 of shrooms

how do you know its pure lsd25? .. and if it is can i be your friend... haha.


Well-Known Member
haha, dude I would never mix the two, they are just different to the core. Although they both have hardcore rep, acid made me appreciate color more and shroomz make you think outside norm.


Active Member
First tried LSD, it was called cartoon acid around here. Took 2 hits at the mall. Felt like a crippled man lost... Second time I tried the legendary scooby-doo licks.....amazing - seen the vibrations off everything. First time I did mushrooms, 3gs to be Experienced an out-of-body trip. Had unbelievably powerful insights; that night changed my life. My hand would shrink, and my voice would echo.

The shrooms/acid have been shit here in Winnipeg lately.


Well-Known Member
LSD.....period. Shrooms are cool too, but damn, a few times I couldn't stop laughing and later on my face hurt from laughing so much. Also, the initial "sick feeling" kind of sucks too.
i've never done LSD but i've tried shrooms before, they were really fun, but you really have to make sure your with the right people. i ended up having a not so good trip once because my boyfriend wouldn't stop arguing with me about something stupid and i didn't even like know what was going on ha. Which ever you do, make sure you do it with people who aren't going to fuck with you.