LSD binge


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if any of you have done LSD continuasly for a extended period of time. Were your effects good or bad? Tell us some of your story's And how much LSD did you take over that period of time. ect. Just thought about this last night and thought about trying it and wanted some feedback to see if this would be something I might want to do. Thanks



Well-Known Member
....I have never gone on a 'binge' per say...however, I wouldn't ever want to do that either.....I'm usually glad the trip is over once I start to come down.....LSD always made me mentally exhausted....

I would think it would result in bad things....but that's just my take


Well-Known Member
I've met acid heads that go on binges. They are very strange individuals...the kind of people you'd probably make small talk with at a bus stop or in line at a grocery store, but not the kind of people you'd probably want to socialize with or meet in a club. I hung out with a couple of guys at a rave a while back-they helped me score some acid, and they were o.k. people, but just very strange individuals...can't explain it any better than that. One guy called himself "Stinky" and the other Robert or something...he felt the need to tell me later on that he did so much acid the night before that he ended up having to change his pants. Why you would want to trip ballz for more than 6-8 hours is beyond me. But to each his/her own, I suppose.


Well-Known Member
The second time I did acid, I ended up eating it for a week straight, 3 different nights i candyflipped with triple stackers. I only got uncomfortable once (aside from intense body loads but that doesnt bother me really), the 2nd night i ate 8 or 9 too quickly and this kid with me started having a bad trip and it started to fuck with me. I just had to walk away from the kid and keep riding the trip and i was enjoying it again.
If i could do it again would I? In a fucking minute. At the time i had 2 sheets that were all profit so I could eat as many as i wanted. Something about LSD just clicks with me. I feel really comfortable with myself when its in me, and with the drug.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it was the particular acid I was taking but it really messed with me the more I took it


Well-Known Member
I also read somewhere that if you do acid two days in a row, the effect will be little or nothing on the second day compared with the'd probably be best if you did it less than once or twice a month at most.


Well-Known Member
The key is to double your dose on each day, and eat them at once. Like you're on your second day n you and you ate 3 and 2 yesterday, i'd eat like 6 and 4 or 7 and 3 the next day, spacing the doses out like 2 or 3 hours.


i used to sell lots of it in 1992-94 and it was some good dose i'd pay $80/sheet(100 hits)
and sell for like $2-$3 each i would hit up outdoor keg parties and sell like 30+ hits at a time. well i diddnt realize how strong that shit was until i started touching all those doses.that shit gets in ya through your skin. at least for me it was a free trip fuck it

i dont think you ever fully come down from LSD


Well-Known Member
i dont think you ever fully come down from LSD

I somewhat agree, though it highly depends on the extent to which the acid has affected you. I can count on one hand how many times I've dropped acid, but I do feel that the last couple of times have significantly influenced the way I respond to some people/situations now. I feel that each trip should be a learning experience, as it's not every day that we have the opportunity to experience ourselves and our existence in such an 'expanded' state of mind.


New Member
The second time I did acid, I ended up eating it for a week straight, 3 different nights i candyflipped with triple stackers. I only got uncomfortable once (aside from intense body loads but that doesnt bother me really), the 2nd night i ate 8 or 9 too quickly and this kid with me started having a bad trip and it started to fuck with me. I just had to walk away from the kid and keep riding the trip and i was enjoying it again.
If i could do it again would I? In a fucking minute. At the time i had 2 sheets that were all profit so I could eat as many as i wanted. Something about LSD just clicks with me. I feel really comfortable with myself when its in me, and with the drug.
maybe you are a junkie?


i hear that they say humans use 25% of they're brains. i say straight folks do but those of us who have dropped acid have tapped into the other 75%.
not just thinking but observations,perceptions,and feeling


Well-Known Member
I had like access to a lot of blotters last year and tripped every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and early Sunday. I suppose closest to a binge was every other day for like 2 weeks.

I don't recommend it unless you're taking 2 weeks off work/school.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like it would be something out of this world. I was seeing above that some one said they used to sell hits for 2-3 each? Are those the same prices today? I have been paying 10 for each hit. Was wondering if I am getting ripped off.


Well-Known Member
I did once. Over the summer a few years ago. My best friends got in a fight with me, and I had nothing to do but sit alone in my house.

I don't recall how much acid I went through, was about 2 weeks I think (maybe once every other day, sometimes every day). I noticed significant differences in myself, but I didn't say anything.

Actually, my friend just asked me about a week ago "remember when we had that big fight? What happened to you while I we weren't talking?"...I told her, and she felt really bad. I didn't want her to, but she did. :confused:

I still get extended visuals, but...that may be because I still trip quite often.


Well-Known Member
I don't think acid is a drug that should be fucked with in the way that you guys abuse it. Sure, it's your life, and you have the right to do whatever the fuck you so please, but I really think frying your fucking brain cells it stupid. Acid is fun, but try not to abuse it. Don't binge on it. I don't recommend bingeing on anything at that. Treat yourself and your body with the respect it deserves.


Well-Known Member
i love acid. haven't been able to take it for over 15 years now. i think i saw all i was supposed to see. after that it got scary. there was a year straight there that the world was mine though. i would have never learned the things i learned ANYWHERE else. and yes, it's still with me.


Well-Known Member
I did once. Over the summer a few years ago. I still get extended visuals, but...that may be because I still trip quite often.
He says, I still get extended visuals....Implying that it could be from the long trip from the past......Then he says I still trip Often......I still get extended visuals, I wonder if thats from the trip I took during the summer of 92 or maybe it's the tab I took 45 minutes ago.....LMAO..sounds exactly like something an acid burnout would say!!!!:)