LP's don't want competition from Micro Growers - Dana's Right - Fukem ALL!


Well-Known Member
The LP’s are worried about the wrong competition! They should be worried more about the BM. As long as Doc’s are signing 100g/day scripts for 1000 plants and Hellth Canaduh continues to sign off on those...the BM will thrive and LP’s will continue to tank!
This is the one major thing that could bring down the med program, or at least bring it to another court. They could claim the system is over run with abuse.


Well-Known Member
They can try ANYTHING THEY WISH. and have already TAKEN THEIR SHOT.,,to bad it missed the BARN DOOR BY MILES :lol:
The crown was fuken CRUSHED in that case!
If the feds try to bring this shit back to court they don't stand much chance as long as everyone makes a small donation to cover lawyer fees - hire the best team like we did and the feds can suck a cok :o:idea:

Here is an example of the crown's evidence, presented at Allard trial, for system abuse lmao:
Watch starting @ around 9:50

HAHAHA! What a fucken joke this all would be if people weren't still dying and going to jail!

OVERGROW!!!! - Help patients access cheap, quality, meds -Some of us will be charged and then we can get the court cases needed to help change this absurdity. CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE!!!!!

GOOOO Vancouver 420!!! Spread the word!!! - Educate and inspire Canadians not to be a bunch of pussies! - TRUTH is on our side!

Geezus!!!! as ttystikk said, "Have a look at Oklahoma" - a one fuken page application and our crooks want a million up front before they even look at you lol - We are talking about a substance that is safer than fuken Mcdonalds!
:spew:FU Blair!!!!

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