

Active Member
Hey guys just wanted to see some different opinions on the lowryder2 strain. ii guess spill every bit of knledge on the smoke anf the high. Is it worth the short time or not so much? Also fill this out. just copy past into your reply and then answer it...peace

Mr Holland

Active Member
Hey guys just wanted to see some different opinions on the lowryder2 strain. ii guess spill every bit of knledge on the smoke anf the high. Is it worth the short time or not so much? Also fill this out. just copy past into your reply and then answer it...peace
I grew them not too long ago, they are the easiest plants I ever grew but I found them lacking a bit in the potency department (I like my stuff to be as strong as what they sell here at the coffeeshops)

I`m not a big fan of the taste either :-( I suggest you try one of the more potent auto-hybrids available out there (AUTO AK or AUTO NYCD) As those are supposed to yield more, taste better and get you higher. I`ve heard great things about them no first hand experience to confirm it though. LR2 pix in my profile, peace


Active Member
thanx man those are some nice lowryders ever grow outside did you notice a difference in harvest size? thanx for being the only person to actually reply to my post. Anyone else got some info and grow albums???


Active Member
Also try an Autoflower strain called White Dwarf, be careful though, the high takes longer than most smoke. 2 hits had me out of commission.


Well-Known Member
thanx for being the only person to actually reply to my post
that's because he didn't read the instructions for this forum and obviously you didn't either.

Please use the following template for posting a smoke report.

Bag Appeal:
The High:

If you have pictures please post them as well.

Mr Holland

Active Member
Thanks, I did harvest more indoors but outside the plants looked happier dunno how to explain (don`t have a scale to do an accurate comparison either but you`ll have to take my word for it). There are short flowering plants that yield more.... veg them short give them 12/12

I don't agree with frmrboi's suggestion, and I don`t remember ever trying to put down a grow/smoke report here either so I dunno where he's coming from. I just replied to spendant1's question, he did not ask for a report I think...

The scores assigned to diff factors in the reports have NO meaning whatsoever because they are not linked to anything. What is my 7 as compared to your 6.5 or 8, how the hell do you get the numbers???? For instance the high can be influenced by many factors such as mood etc. so is the taste and every other factor
Maybe someone has not dried the crop properly --> harsh taste, result: it gets dissed in the report!

I`m not going to go too deep into this but I think the "rules for this forum" are not really well thought trough (in the end the point of the reports would be that the reader is able to read someone's report for some strain to someone elses report for a diff strain and draw a conclusion based on qualitative/quantitative accurate data which is obviously not the case here) because of that I won't do reports based on that half assed template EVER. I think its better when ppl just say what they like about a strain and most importantly post pix of their grows and havests so you can draw your own conclusion based on the info provided.....