Lowlife AK47 Automatic


Well-Known Member
sup man?? ok mate hes sum shit for you to think about quickly..
you can make all the thc go to the buds by choppin all the leafs off and dip the roots in boiling water it shocks all the shit to the top of the plant!! or you could just put it back into veg and flower it again.... it can be done man trust me:hump: if you dont know how to mate jus say man n i'll post the method lol k bud and that thing is looking fuckin massiv...


Well-Known Member
ahh its auto harsh shit man... i was gona say i would harvest that bad boy like 3 times mate fuk it lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, she's an auto - one grow and that's all she wrote. Got a couple more coming up and just starting to flower now, though, so the harvest should just keep coming :blsmoke: Not sure about the boiling water idea, though - sounds like an old wives tale to me. No THC in the roots to begin with and the mechanism of the whole thing seems a mystery to me. Where did you hear about this? My instincts tell me it's a myth.
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Well-Known Member
lol i know theres no thc in the roots!!!
i said if you shock the roots then the plant send all its shit to the bud if i typed that theres thc in the roots cause it was like 5 am wen i wrote it lol but shockin does work mate honestly


Well-Known Member
I suppose my point is that those materials which constitute "all its shit" do not contain THC, and so sending it up to the bud seems an act with a questionable objective.

Actually, I just looked it up out of curiosity and this is what I could find :

Boiling attached Cannabis roots after harvesting whole plants, but before drying, is an interesting technique. Origi nally it was thought by cultivators that boiling the roots would force resins to the floral clusters. In actuality, there are very few resins within the vascular system of the plant and most of the resins have been secreted in the heads of glandular trichomes. Once resins are secreted they are no longer water-soluble and are not part of the vascular system. As a result, neither boiling nor any other process will move resins and cannabinoids around the plant. However, boiling the roots does lengthen the drying time of the whole plant. Boiling the roots shocks the stomata of the leaves and forces them to close immediately; less water vapor is allowed to escape and the floral clusters dry more slowly. If the leaves are left intact when drying, the water evaporates through the leaves instead of through the flowers.

From :

Marijuana Botany
An Advanced Study: The Propagation and Breeding of Distinctive Cannabis
by Robert Connell Clarke

Seems all it will do is make drying take longer. This grow is all about keeping it simple ;)

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Well-Known Member
Originally it was thought by cultivators......
I read it man!!! chill winston... i got so many books on growing most of em are abit out of date now i see lol lucky i got a few new ones..

lol fair enough lucky i aint tried it yet so nice one for the heads up jay.. im jus gona keep harvesting if i can do that then it would make it easyer to understand my next lot of plants..


Well-Known Member
Day 52

Just over two weeks until harvest, I'll probably flush this week sometime and move to pure water. She's certainly winding down and ripening up at this point. More pics today :



Well-Known Member
Day 52 - Trichomes

Ok, so I managed to take some dodgy trich shots using my wide camera lens in front of my long one - held by hand, used a finger to open the aperture - messy job, but I managed a few decent pictures. Trichs look to be about 70% cloudy, 30% clear at the moment. I might even harvest a bit before 70 days to shoot for that clear, energetic sort of high - more to come :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Hey man, that plant looks unbelievable! Nice grow! I got 9 auto ak47's going right now and if they look anything like yours i'll get a huge harvest! It's weird because i heard that sometimes they need to go longer like 80 or even 90 days but that looks close to being done to me...that makes me feel good about mine. Keep it up


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm sure the harvest window is pretty broad - if you were big on the heavy/mindfog sort of stone then I think you could push back harvest an extra week or so and really let it mature some. I'm more keen on the uppy buzz so I might chop on the early side of 70 days rather than on the late side.

Flushed the pot this morning, at any rate, and picked a little test bud to see where it's at. It's drying at the moment but will post news as it develops :blsmoke:



Active Member
wow man thats a really pretty nug i can only imagine what it will look like when its nice and dry and rolled in a blunt or stuffed in a bowl... take a rip for me man and a huge congradulations on this plant...


Well-Known Member
Cheers man. Had a little test of that nug and it was good but seems not quite ready yet - definitely another week or so before it's hitting peak potency. Had to chop one of the branches on account of breakage, though, (over enthusiastic hands-on admiration by housemate, d'oh!) so I've got a nice big bud of ultra-clear early harvest stuff drying now. The funny thing is that the plant hardly looks like there's a dent in it after taking out that massive bud, lol. For a midget plant, this thing is huge, haha. Stuck a can of Heineken in the pic for size.



Well-Known Member
Day 57

Well, look who's having a bit of a growth spurt! =D Another week or two to go, I think. She's on just water now - no more nutes. My usual image host is down (xs.to) so using board attachments - quality is crap but hopefully you get the idea :blsmoke:

