Lowering temperature


Active Member
I have my grow tent in a closet with a 200cfm inline fan as exhaust and passive intake. Should I extend the intake with a hose out of the closet to the other side of the room where the ambient temperature is ~4-5 *F cooler or should I extend the exhaust to blow to the other side of the room. Would extending the intake say 8-10ft going to create more negative pressure in the tent?


Well-Known Member
If it's possible, exhaust air to a different room. If not as far away from the tent as possible. That would have a bigger impact than extending the intake. No making the intake longer won't increase negative pressure. The fan inside the sealed tent creates negative pressure, not how long the intake tubing is.


Active Member
Im in an apt so think cutting holes in the wall is out of the question. I just thought it would create more pressure like if you extend the length of a straw more suction is needed and more resistance is created and since the tent can give and requires less effort more negative pressure is created. I don't know if this will make much sense, but it did in my head :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Im in an apt so think cutting holes in the wall is out of the question. I just thought it would create more pressure like if you extend the length of a straw more suction is needed and more resistance is created and since the tent can give and requires less effort more negative pressure is created. I don't know if this will make much sense, but it did in my head :eyesmoke:
No, that's not how it works. If you want more negative pressure tape all of the seams in your tent.


Active Member
What would be the best exhaust the air. I usually leave the door to the room open, the closet is right behind the door. Should I just run the hose up and secure it blowing out into the hall. Or should I have just exhausting to the other side of the room.


Well-Known Member
well atleast your getting fresh air by having the door open to the room. just exhaust it out up high in the hall and have a fan blowing air through the doorway if possible for some fresh air. is there a window in the room you could exhaust out of?


Active Member
Yes I could stretch it to the window. Im just sketched slightly cause they haven't started to really smell yet so don't know how effective my filter is going to be, but it is a phresh filter and I have heard nothing but good stuff come from them. And with the hotter months coming wouldn't I just be letting all the hot air from outside into the room.


Active Member
Ya make it as airtight as possible and to create neg pressure you can reduce the intake size smaller than the exhaust so its constantly under neg pressure so if your fan is a 6'' run a 5'' intake or 4' whatev just smaller pickup your air from the floor and exhaust it as high as poss...build a stelthy window manifold out of a broken old window ac gut it leave the screen in the backside and pass your air through it.. if you smell it outside that carbon sucksass or slow down the fan..look into ONA odor nutral agent works well...


Active Member
So I have since put the exhaust blowing into the rest of the apt and still the temps are in the low to mid 80s. Why is it I am having so much trouble with this when I see setups all over with similar specs and they can get their temps down into the 70s without using a separate ac unit.


Well-Known Member
The tent temperature will never be lower than the ambient room temperature where the tent is located.