lowering and rasing the ph

so ya what is the best way to lower ph and keep the ph at th same level and when should i change the water and keeep the same ph at the same time...?????


Active Member
WOW, kinda a dick headed thing to say dude, and u didnt even try to answer his question. Anyway its a good question in my opinion... I was not sure either, so I tried a few things out.. I ended up using just a lil distilled white vinegar. Test it as u put it in as not to lower it 2 much, a lil goes a long way. I have heard using distilled water also helps, but have not tried it myself. Once I lowered it, it never seemed to jump up again. Seemed to work great for me. I used general hydroponics nutes and my ph stayed in the safe levels w/o even adding anything. Im sure my grammar and spelling are not up 2 par also baby gun dude...lol.. But really, what do u expect from a site full of pot-heads.

If anyone has any other solutions, or can tell me the pros and cons of vinegar. I would be interested on hearing them also..


New Member
i have never used vinegar but the way i do it is get ph up or down .along with a ph meter and go from there
also i would change the res every week...2 at the latest


Well-Known Member
wat this kid should do is go stick his head in his res and see how long he can take it lol complete joke i just know this guy and he takes no advice just asks like a dick and doesnt listen hes on my do not help list lol


Well-Known Member
As some one stated earlier go and buy some ph up and ph down. Next buy yourself a ph meter at that point you will be able to manage it accurately and keep it consistent.