Louie XIII OG in Dual Monster Plant System (3rd Scrog)

you're going to have to veg a long time to get an lb off that.... she looks a little small for 2 weeks to me. Have you been feeding any roots excel? I also agree with flow about taking off those dead brown leaves, and ones where the finger is brown just knuckle it up to where its green again. Once they are brown they serve no purpose. Just my .02 :joint::shock: burn on!


Well-Known Member
You are going to have soo much fun growing 1, you will laugh your head off all the way to the end :smile: more room to breathe :smile: bigger bud.....you can always try topping Jin! you never know if you never try :razz: ohhh yeah.....flower time for me day 1 today! soo dark in there now :razz: soo cold....and i need a new damn filter grrrrrrrrrr i may as well not even run one i just got home from not being here for a whole night and wow.....smelly....
also Jin, i know you wouldn't normally do this, but seeing as you got 1 going, i would snip those ugly leaves away, ONLY because of the pm issue and sick leaves like that may only attract further sickness , just thinking out for your girl they may have died off from starvation BUT it's something that sprang to mine is all.

love your work Jin
In certain ways, it will be easier dealing with one plant without any interference from another. Okay, I'll cut that dead shit off. Been meaning to.

you're going to have to veg a long time to get an lb off that.... she looks a little small for 2 weeks to me. Have you been feeding any roots excel? I also agree with flow about taking off those dead brown leaves, and ones where the finger is brown just knuckle it up to where its green again. Once they are brown they serve no purpose. Just my .02 :joint::shock: burn on!
I've been meaning to cut it off for the past few days. Just too lazy. Can you believe that?

Yeah, compared to some other non-PO OG cuts I've grown in the past, the PO cuts are weak and not very vigorous. If this were like the Platinum OG I grew in the past, it would be almost twice as big already. But the slower growing, weaker PO cuts produce better OG Kush. The cuts from PO take like a week to show roots in my system. They don't really start growing until that time. So any commentary I make about this plant's vigor is confined to my experience with PO cuts. Speaking strictly in terms of PO cuts, it's doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing and is a strong specimen.

A long veg time is in my horizon indeed.


Well-Known Member
Every time I try to throw this little thing out, it does this to me.

Now who in their right mind would throw this out? How much you guys wanna bet this little bitch is gonna get back in the game? Anything is possible. She is, after all, in the 'stronger' left hand spot under the light. Remember how much bigger Larry was last time when I started? And look how that turned out.

So I just put her back and gave them fresh nutes. Clipped her spent leaves, too. Now I know she still looks pretty pathetic, but if you look carefully, you'll notice that the stress burns in her new growth have not been getting any worse. When the burn spots become suspended like that without increasing, it's about to start growing. Edit: And also note how she has begun reverting to her mature five bladed leaf from the three bladed starters she came with (despite her root struggles). She's gonna make it, folks. :clap: Which just goes to show ya, you just can't keep a good clone down in a dual monster plant system.

And I finally got rid of the dead garbage on the big one. Even though I'm a pretty experienced grower, it's great having the support of other experienced growers... especially when you're high all the time. Thanks, growers. This one is just picture perfect and bursting with life. Looks much better without that dead crap.

This is a tops factory. If anyone sees white fuzz, call out! Lol.

I bet she could fill a screen larger than my 4x2 all by her lonesome if given the time. And this shouldn't really surprise anyone, but I'm growing this for Oliver Stone. If anyone out there happens to know him, please let him know. Thanks. Lol.

Hear that, Mr. Stone? Louie XIII OG Kush, SoCal's best... just for you. Now can I take your picture? Lol.


Well-Known Member
I like :) but i'm still VERY skeptical.....that little plant should be mothered and nurtured in my opinion, she is a loooong way off the other and i'm sure you will agree that having such different sizes is looking all too familiar :wall: With all due respect Go back a few pages Jin ;) you will clearly see that the bigger plant is clearly genetically superior. The little plant is going to have a hard time being shaded by that monster. Just sayin, that big plant in 1 week.....think about it ;) There is no reason why 1 plant will not yield the same if not more than 2 :) and you may even find you can save money and not have to wonder which plant will be more potent/healthy

Ooh i care :p sorry my obsession....

i'll fix the post with a 29 day vegged, day 2 flowering Jack x Skunk girl :) give 1 plant the room and look what happens....they have feelings Jin, they know how much room they have :p let her spread her legs you know you want to!!!



Well-Known Member
I like :) but i'm still VERY skeptical.....that little plant should be mothered and nurtured in my opinion, she is a loooong way off the other and i'm sure you will agree that having such different sizes is looking all too familiar :wall: With all due respect Go back a few pages Jin ;) you will clearly see that the bigger plant is clearly genetically superior. The little plant is going to have a hard time being shaded by that monster. Just sayin, that big plant in 1 week.....think about it ;) There is no reason why 1 plant will not yield the same if not more than 2 :) and you may even find you can save money and not have to wonder which plant will be more potent/healthy

Ooh i care :p sorry my obsession....

i'll fix the post with a 29 day vegged, day 2 flowering Jack x Skunk girl :) give 1 plant the room and look what happens....they have feelings Jin, they know how much room they have :p let her spread her legs you know you want to!!!

Damn, I'm losing track of your grows. Amazing plant. You should like teach classes or something.

Okay, you're probably right. I'll in all likelihood have to take the little one out when she recovers. The way the leaves are developing on the big one, it's gonna be a big plant. Now let's see if I can veg her out big without burning her.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I'm losing track of your grows. Amazing plant. You should like teach classes or something.

Okay, you're probably right. I'll in all likelihood have to take the little one out when she recovers. The way the leaves are developing on the big one, it's gonna be a big plant. Now let's see if I can veg her out big without burning her.
I think she looks like quite a tough plant! strong vigor and already very dark green...goddess


Well-Known Member
I think she looks like quite a tough plant! strong vigor and already very dark green...goddess
She's coming in hot. Those huge fans leaves are reminding me of Platinum... and Platinum almost grew out of my box back when I didn't scrog. The large clone is def stronger than the Tahoes that came before her. I'm getting pretty excited about this plant.


Well-Known Member
do you know much about Louie? is she more sativa sided? i know you're like me and love the indicas, but i do like a mild blend of the 2 as long as it's not too visual...
do you think shes got as much stretch as tahoe?


Well-Known Member
do you know much about Louie? is she more sativa sided? i know you're like me and love the indicas, but i do like a mild blend of the 2 as long as it's not too visual...
do you think shes got as much stretch as tahoe?
I don't know that much honestly. I do know that most OG's are hybrids.

I hope she doesn't stretch as hard as Tahoe, but I'm prepared for the worst.

Oh, and this here Tahoe I'm smoking doesn't fuck with your mind too much. More of a body thing.


Well-Known Member
i can't stop looking at your avatar Jin :p feel free to post that full size ;) she is soo kindly asking for it.....like a horny cat puuurrrrrrrrr hehe!.....shit i think i'm gonna pass out......


Well-Known Member
Well glory be. Lookit what we got here.

It would have been pretty embarrassing to kill a clone in my journal. Close call. At least we can watch her grow now.

Just yesterday when I was throwing her out.

Watch a new plant emerge from the tortured little clone.

I know a few of you have concerns about the little one being hopelessly behind, and I would be lying if I said I didn't share that concern. But what I've seen from the last two screen grows is that size difference doesn't apply quite in the same way. When the plants are kept at bay and at an equal height by the flat screen, a smaller plant is allowed to exist and flourish much more effectively than in a more conventional scenario. The equalizing of the screen does away with any 'shading out' that would be present in a non-scrogged situation. But keep in mind that not all scrog styles are the same. This equalizing effect is a lot more noticeable in my setup because it's a pretty extreme train I got going (8" above tub surface). The vigor resulting from my concentrated light allows me to punish my plants a bit harder than most.

Yeah, but look at this plant, you say? Right. I'm not guaranteeing anything, but let's just give the little one a chance to show us what she's got. With all my doubting and digging up I did, I think she's shown a valiant effort. I feel it's the least I can do for her. And when you think about it, she's only 13 days behind the big one.

But the big one is the big one, ain't she? Hoo-boy. Her lower branches are just fighting one another to get to the screen.

Really gorgeous. Smells amazing.

And yes, I know how this looks, but also remember that the little one is in the 'strong spot.'

I think I owe PO and myself a bit of an apology. Better late than never, guys. Sorry about all the mean things I said. Lol.

So my earlier claim still holds true: "Nothing dies in my cab unless I kill it." My record remains spotless. Yes!


Well-Known Member
When lights first came on:

Less than two hours later:

I swear if I stare at it long enough, I can see it move.


Well-Known Member
Y'know what? I'm pretty sure this sucker would have died without the 36 hours in the humidome.

Those tiny root tips were already taking on that 'translucent' inactive look.

The warm, gentle humidity gave it a chance to root a little more. Those tiny roots were suffocating in the monster system.

It was weak and in shock, but it was still alive.

It didn't look good for a while.

I really thought I was gonna lose her for a second. But just when I was about to toss her out...

Oops. Wrong picture. Just when I was about to toss her out...

And today we have a tiny, ragged, battered clone that has successfully rooted through a six inch pot.



Well-Known Member
ok :) you are doing a great job spoiling this little girl fixing her up, nice to see you care soo much for them Jin ;)
I forget what your average veg time is....if we talkin over 40 days then i guess 13 days isn't too bad, but in my tent 13 days is almost half my veg time...which i don't understand especially for my lamp is only a 600 watt??! Jin you are a erb master and you know it....how can my system be soo fast?

That big girl is going mental!!! i just hope she doesn't be a bully and suck up the nutes before little one gets a good taste :p it feels like a bit of a tease on her! i can feel her through the screen lol


Well-Known Member
easy you take massive clones and they are well established when they hit your system


Well-Known Member
easy you take massive clones and they are well established when they hit your system
they are never bigger than the average clone though...and i've had some really spindly clones off a couple of guys...
I think it has little to do with how the established she is. My megga yield from my very first grow came from a clone i honestly thought had no hope...no hope turned into no choice and that turned into looove :)

this is also the first time i have started with my own cut clone from the previous harvest


Well-Known Member
not just her bra :p that may be the hottest, sexiest, glamourous and delicious piece of art i have ever seen!!! I can even make her ass wiggle with my filthy mind :p I'm showing this pic to my mrs, and getting some suspenders for her....Done. I cannot stop looking. Saved! hope you don't mind!!! she will look gorgeous spread on the Big TV....forever and ever....i may have to get another tv. I don't know what i need! i think i need her, i keep looking so i must
You mean like a desktop background image on a big screen? Don't you need a higher resolution image for that? I'll email one if you want.

ok :) you are doing a great job spoiling this little girl fixing her up, nice to see you care soo much for them Jin ;)
I forget what your average veg time is....if we talkin over 40 days then i guess 13 days isn't too bad, but in my tent 13 days is almost half my veg time...which i don't understand especially for my lamp is only a 600 watt??! Jin you are a erb master and you know it....how can my system be soo fast?

That big girl is going mental!!! i just hope she doesn't be a bully and suck up the nutes before little one gets a good taste :p it feels like a bit of a tease on her! i can feel her through the screen lol
Yeah, I see at least a 40 day veg, so it's not too bad in the overall scheme of things.

Your shit does start and grow faster. I think it's the perlite. I really was meaning to try that this time but forgot. Next time I'll do a hydroton / perlite mix.

they are never bigger than the average clone though...and i've had some really spindly clones off a couple of guys...
I think it has little to do with how the established she is. My megga yield from my very first grow came from a clone i honestly thought had no hope...no hope turned into no choice and that turned into looove :)

this is also the first time i have started with my own cut clone from the previous harvest
Yeah, there's something about your method that is freakishly fast.


Well-Known Member
they are never bigger than the average clone though...and i've had some really spindly clones off a couple of guys...
I think it has little to do with how the established she is. My megga yield from my very first grow came from a clone i honestly thought had no hope...no hope turned into no choice and that turned into looove :)

this is also the first time i have started with my own cut clone from the previous harvest
im not dissing you or anything and im not saying your clone style affects yield or anything nut it defintitely gives you a head start on the veg period. absolutely nothing wrong with that in fact its quite clever but just so you can see what i mean heres a link to the start of your journal


have a look at that clone. its huge its got nodes everywhere its established and has roots. as soon as it hits your system its already throwing out branches. now go back and look at the clones jin has. they are small have about 1 or 2 nodes max and are lucky if they even have roots. (not dissing your little babies either jin just telling it how i see it)

flowa maybe you should be heading over to the states and teaching these idiots selling clones how its done lol


Well-Known Member
im not dissing you or anything and im not saying your clone style affects yield or anything nut it defintitely gives you a head start on the veg period. absolutely nothing wrong with that in fact its quite clever but just so you can see what i mean heres a link to the start of your journal


have a look at that clone. its huge its got nodes everywhere its established and has roots. as soon as it hits your system its already throwing out branches. now go back and look at the clones jin has. they are small have about 1 or 2 nodes max and are lucky if they even have roots. (not dissing your little babies either jin just telling it how i see it)

flowa maybe you should be heading over to the states and teaching these idiots selling clones how its done lol
Hell yeah. If FM had OG mothers, I wouldn't want clones from anyone else!


Well-Known Member
im not dissing you or anything and im not saying your clone style affects yield or anything nut it defintitely gives you a head start on the veg period. absolutely nothing wrong with that in fact its quite clever but just so you can see what i mean heres a link to the start of your journal


have a look at that clone. its huge its got nodes everywhere its established and has roots. as soon as it hits your system its already throwing out branches. now go back and look at the clones jin has. they are small have about 1 or 2 nodes max and are lucky if they even have roots. (not dissing your little babies either jin just telling it how i see it)

flowa maybe you should be heading over to the states and teaching these idiots selling clones how its done lol
lol, thanx man, i guess it's just what i'm used to, and the only way i know how. I'm just glad i got the proper teachings before i started, and already being obsessed with erb well it was only natural for me to try and perfect my ways in growing....i keep changing things here and there but cloning is always the same, i'll post some pics shortly....
I think the reason my clones are good is because i take them from the main growing branch tips, a good 3-4 nodes and a good 1.5 inch of stem which i cut at a 45 degree angle (the longer angled cut grows more root hairs) i also cut very minute slices maybe around 8 at the base of the stem on the stem walls, these cuts form root hairs also....once i cut and slice i dip in fresh root gel and into pre-soaked (not wet just damp....sqeezed firmly but not dry) 2 inch rockwool cubes with a mix of mild B1 Boost and tap water. I also think the larger rockwool cubes have something to do with the boosting start also, logically thinking there would have to be an already bigger root system on the clone before it can even break the outside surface of the cube, and by that time when she does break through and hits that perlite ..BOOOOOM!

Most people don't like to snip their plants or some will say 'some strains don't like it' Well i think that's bogus. It's a plant. If it's healthy and you train them properly a snip here and there is all part of cheating the process to make things work more efficiently. My mentor snips and tops EVERY strain he has ever grown and says they are all possible to grow in the same system with small variations.

I just hope maybe a few of these shops see how i'm cloning on here....probably not but if a few see, a few more will see from them, and so on......

You mean like a desktop background image on a big screen? Don't you need a higher resolution image for that? I'll email one if you want.

Yeah, I see at least a 40 day veg, so it's not too bad in the overall scheme of things.

Your shit does start and grow faster. I think it's the perlite. I really was meaning to try that this time but forgot. Next time I'll do a hydroton / perlite mix.

Yeah, there's something about your method that is freakishly fast.
Yes please LordJin!!!! you still got my e-mail addie? i showed my mrs this morning she was quiet at first then i looked at her and realised she was having a good perve :) first thing she said 'you can nearly see her hole' yes you can....you certainly can :) and thats just glorious ;) she's even arching her ass and back just perfect !!! who told her to do that!!! my thoughts exactly!! oohhh baby :)

Feel free to copy my method to a T, it's all yours with your skills i guarantee it'd be a walk in the park.

Hell yeah. If FM had OG mothers, I wouldn't want clones from anyone else!
Don't worry Jin I'll be in California living one day i guarantee.