Lost roughly 2 oz today....


Active Member
Hey just make sure when you are drying that you can snap the stems. What most likely happened is you didn't dry all the way and had a ton of moisture in there to begin with, then the heat probably just sped up the molding process. It was probably close to molding everyday at the previous temps, the only thing that sent it over the edge was the added heat. Anyways, I don't understand why people need to be douche bags when all you are doing is stating your loss. I am very sorry for your loss bro, at least make a shit ton of butter with it. Or you could probably make hash too. Don't let them buds go to waste, just don't smoke em.


Well-Known Member
It is hard to catch onto sarcasm through text
I just figure that the OP wouldn't be rinsing his buds and then sealing them up in a jar lol


Active Member
wait a minute... rinse and repeat? wtf? thats ur problem there.. am i reading it wrong? rinsing buds with water???

lol water, rinse and repeat was referring to process steps... not water... lol

i dont physically rinse them in water lol, although if i did, that would certainly explain the copious amounts of mold.
lol water, rinse and repeat was referring to process steps... not water... lol

i dont physically rinse them in water lol, although if i did, that would certainly explain the copious amounts of mold.
Sorry for your loss, dude. I've got about a quarter of hash that grew some white mold on it. I've got it sitting in some everclear right now- trying to decide if it will be safe to use it after that...


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear it brotha...I live in the desert too and this happens when the buds dry too fast.

You hung the buds to dry for 2 - 4 day and the OUTSIDE of the buds got good and dry, but the inside is a different story.

For drying you need to use the jars to slow the process before really starting a 'cure'.

When they are dry on the outside put them into jars for 12 hours. You'll see that the moisture is drawn back to the outsides of the buds...leave the jar open for 12 hours to dry back out. I do that for 2 days, then I do 6 hours open 12 hours closed and that lasts about 3-4 more days. Then I go to "burping" the jars, but I leave them open about 30 minutes 2x a day.

Sorry for your loss, but it's how I did it too man, lost a good chunk of my first harvest to the EXACT same problem.


Well-Known Member
One of my first harvests i lost almost 8 0z's to mold. Definitely let it get dry before jarring up and burp often.