Lost interest in smoking weed?


Undercover Mod
gah idk why, but for the last few weeks, if im by myself smoking, i smoke a bowl and im like, wtf, no point, not getting high etc.....
its almost like im too lazy or tired, or it just doesnt feel right or takes too long.
I miss enjoying weed, I want that feeling back. I wonder if this has anything to do with my worsening depression lately. Or if its just the weed im smoking. Or if its in my head.
Idk but I want to enjoy getting high again, what do I do?

You ever thought about getting off your computer and doing something besides crying about how much your life sucks?


Active Member
Someone needs to step up,bite the bullet and fuck the shit out of this young lady.Id be depressed too if i NEVER got laid,i dont know what shes waiting for its not gonna hurt she probably fingered that hymen away in 7th grade.