Lost a dice game and now I have to post naked pics of me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but if you look at that section it is posted in so often that anything you post in there is on page 2 within a minute or two... (I am exaggerating but you know what I mean)

Besides what would you rather look at.... another grow journal or naked pics of someone? Learn a lesson from this little experiment of yours, maybe your next journal you should add the word 'naked' in your title, maybe something like:

Decided to do this grow NAKED!!!

Got naked and look what's growing...

People vs Bud PORN the great debate, oh yeah I have a grow journal too..

The naked grow(er)

Or even better yet, throw in a naked pic of a hottie watering your garden in your 1st post then every update link your fav porn site or fav naked pic.......

Market that journal if you want traffic.... LOL