Loose women!


Active Member
Yeah, well keep the gender shit to yourself... This is a gender neutral site, and because most of this sites members are men, you never know when chicks like me, with a shit tonne more posts that the two of you put together, comes on here and gives you what for....
bigger post count = bigger penis?


Well-Known Member
Problem I have with women is that they get all emotional about shit. It used to be fine in the olden days when the husband gave the wife a good thwacking when necessary. Well, nowadays the thwackings out the game so its a pretty cold fucking war lol Dont leave the toilet seat up!

Bottomline: Don`t get married!!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Problem I have with women is that they get all emotional about shit. It used to be fine in the olden days when the husband gave the wife a good thwacking when necessary. Well, nowadays the thwackings out the game so its a pretty cold fucking war lol Dont leave the toilet seat up!

Bottomline: Don`t get married!!
Il qui aime bien, châtie bien.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
according to wikipedia that means Spare the child and spoil the rod..............damnit........fucking wiki did it to me again.......FUCK
Ooh! I like that! May I augment it?

Be spare with the child, so as to spoil the rod?
Spare with the child, as to spoil the rod?

:D I like it. :)