Looooong salvia high


Well-Known Member
Last nite i smoke waaay too much salvia out of a huge bong. i took about 5 huge hits of 30x and it was my first time. I had the craziest trip of my life involving different dimensions and the begining and end of time and basically the answer to everything i'v ever wondered about. it was fucking incredible but it lasted waaay longer than it shud of. is it bad that it lasted for a few hours???? the crazy shit happened twice about half an hour apart and after that i rly cudnt understand anything ppl were saying and im still not sure if they understood me. therres much more about my trip from my friends point of view but i wont go into that - but it was BAD (from thier piont of view - from mine it was great lol)


Well-Known Member
Not at all. Salvia's unpredictable, and trippin' with Sally D can be a mindfuck your first (hell, every time), but it's fine.

Two things you need to do, though:
1. NEVER FIGHT A TRIP. Most freak outs occur when the person stops going with the flow and starts trying to snap out of it. Pretty common with Sally and DMT (ayahuasca).
2. ALWAYS HAVE A SITTER. They can watch you and make sure you don't hurt yourself.


Well-Known Member
yeah i had like 4 sitters so it was fine - and i didnt fight the trip AT all thats why i looked SOOOOO fucked up from my friends perspectives but from mine it was great - since then tho ive realized that all the revelations i made during the trip were fake and the salvia basically turned my entire reality into what seemed like a CRAZY dream


Active Member
haha, man i give you props for even being ABLE to take 5 hits. i took two from 50x extract and i went to other worlds and shit. i tried to remember what my actual life was, like where or who i was but couldnt. all i can say is...stay sitting when you do this


Well-Known Member
the best trip i took turned my world into a midnight trip though a forest, only all the stars were dripping glitter downwards, i saw a deer, and hundreds of butterflys, only all the trees and creatures apeared to be cardboard cutout versions of themselves, 2 dementional so to speak... it was amazing, however to me it seemed like almost an hour of walking the paths of this fantastic forest, my freinds reported however, that it only lasted a few minutes,

this is very comon with salvia, it can feal like hours, even days, while you are under, when in reality it was much shorter, i have never taken anything stronger than 20X, and never more than one large hit so i cant really say a whole lot about what happened to you, except maybe your perseption of time was skewed by the salve...


Well-Known Member
therres much more about my trip from my friends point of view but i wont go into that - but it was BAD (from thier piont of view - from mine it was great lol)
Don't worry about it. You gained something meaningful from the experience, and that is all that matters. Unless your friends experience something similar, they will never know what you experienced, and how you saw the world through a different filter.

I had a similar experience on a VERY large dose of psilocybe cubensis. I can handle myself with more composure than 99% of people on 1/8. Throw in a quarter of particularly potent shrooms, and the dynamic changes. I was fine until I reached the height of the trip (though my exterior environment starting making less sense long before that), and while my friends perceived me as trying to eat a sleeping bag and stripping naked, I can tell you, with all seriousness... I learned something that night I will never forget. I saw the cells dividing in my hands, and the interconnectivity of all life, and the illusion of the ego. I understood life, in a way I can't put into words. My friends will probably still think of me as beligerant, but in truth, I was enlightened. They were on the outside looking in, and I was on the inside looking out.

It's not bad. You're probably just more sensitive to Salvinorin-A than most, like I am with psilocyn. You had an experience that will never be exactly the same, and was more profound than any experience most people can claim in their lifetimes.

Accept it, and live it.
