Looking for some tips for growing in a fish tank


Active Member
The tank is a 55 gallon (48" x 13" x 20") I am only looking to grow about 10-15 plants. I am looking to find out what are the best types of lights to use for a small operation after looking through the pinned topics i am real confused as which light is best for a small operation as I have only seen the 400 watt lights which i think may be a bit to much.

Any and all help is appreciated



Well-Known Member
for that many plants to get enough light id say you would need at least a 400w mh/hps

or you could use cfl's highest wattage you can get. there's alot of info on cfl's in the cfl section. cfl's would be handy fo your grow as you could move them around your plants to get as much coverage as possible.



Active Member
for that many plants to get enough light id say you would need at least a 400w mh/hps

or you could use cfl's highest wattage you can get. there's alot of info on cfl's in the cfl section. cfl's would be handy fo your grow as you could move them around your plants to get as much coverage as possible.

Okay so to my understanding I would use the 400 mh to grow it at first starting at 18h/6h then once it gets growing give it 12light/12dark

then once its in its flowering start the 400 hps on a 12light/12dark.

I don't know about flowering in a fish tank, veg maybe????
unless your growing Lowryder
I am planning on growing either some super silver haze or white widow


Well-Known Member
dont do soil. i think youd break the tank. i have a 55 tank. you should lay foam on top. grow the plants through the foam. put in 5 bubblers and do DWC deep water culture. you buy hydroponic nutes and its just bubbly water. google dwc


Active Member
dont do soil. i think youd break the tank. i have a 55 tank. you should lay foam on top. grow the plants through the foam. put in 5 bubblers and do DWC deep water culture. you buy hydroponic nutes and its just bubbly water. google dwc

I was actually planning on using pots.

and what do u mean by use foam? and growing through it?

Sorry i am still very new to this.


Well-Known Member
Soil won't break the tank, but that's a pretty small footprint to try and fit that many plants into. You won't be able to grow them very large before you'll have to flower. Also, know that the tank will act just like a greenhouse, so your cooling issues could be even more difficult to deal with.

Foam, like a sheet of Styrofoam, to cushion. People put it under their tanks to help stabilize as well, but that's because they don't understand the properties of glass very well. In my opinion the foam under the tank is a lot worse, unless you're putting it on a very uneven surface.


Active Member
Soil won't break the tank, but that's a pretty small footprint to try and fit that many plants into. You won't be able to grow them very large before you'll have to flower. Also, know that the tank will act just like a greenhouse, so your cooling issues could be even more difficult to deal with.

Foam, like a sheet of Styrofoam, to cushion. People put it under their tanks to help stabilize as well, but that's because they don't understand the properties of glass very well. In my opinion the foam under the tank is a lot worse, unless you're putting it on a very uneven surface.

after searching google/youtube It seems like it would be better to do hydro rather than using pots.


Well-Known Member
I think I agree since we're talking about an aquarium here, but if you're completely new, then I would simply toss out the idea of using the tank and grow in soil. There is a lot to learn as it is, and growing hydroponically there's even more.


Active Member
I think I agree since we're talking about an aquarium here, but if you're completely new, then I would simply toss out the idea of using the tank and grow in soil. There is a lot to learn as it is, and growing hydroponically there's even more.

Well I am currently growing outside as well but I wanted to cut the risk down a bit and try indoor growing.

I have bout 3 3ft unknown stains on chronic growing and 2 3ft & 6ft stress growing in my back yard.


Well-Known Member
Very good! :D So, you're not really quite so new to all this then.

I'm currently growing outdoors, too, but will have to move operations to under the house soon. I'm thinking within two to three months we'll be having our first freezes.


Active Member
Very good! :D So, you're not really quite so new to all this then.

I'm currently growing outdoors, too, but will have to move operations to under the house soon. I'm thinking within two to three months we'll be having our first freezes.

lol i meant new to the whole indoor thing.

after seeing some hydroponic systems on youtube I gotta say looks very interesting and inexpensive.

So is there a limit on what kinda seeds can be grown through hydroponics?


Well-Known Member
I'm using an aquarium . 10 gal . for 2 plants with styrofoam cut to fit the inside of it. I then cut my pot holes in the styrofoam . Cover the out side of the aquarium with mylar to reflet the light off of it . Put 4 air stones in it and it seems to be doing great. I have it under a 400w hp now for veg . Only problem I have is with the ph , likes to climb alittle .
This is my first grow also , but seems to be working fine .


Active Member
I'm using an aquarium . 10 gal . for 2 plants with styrofoam cut to fit the inside of it. I then cut my pot holes in the styrofoam . Cover the out side of the aquarium with mylar to reflet the light off of it . Put 4 air stones in it and it seems to be doing great. I have it under a 400w hp now for veg . Only problem I have is with the ph , likes to climb alittle .
This is my first grow also , but seems to be working fine .

can you grow any strain using this method.

I would like to kno b4 i spend money on seeds :)