Looking for some advice on a runt and an icu worthy patient


Active Member
So I've got two plants that stick out everytime I check up on them. One has been growing just as long as the others yet hasn't kept up. It's leaves don't grow out very much and it's a little short. Aside from that the plant is alive and well.

My other problem child was given to me by someone who very obviously didn't know what they were doing. When I got it, it wouldn't stand at all and the leaves didn't seem to be responding to light. Since then I've transplanted it in FFOF in a 3 gallon pot (as opposed to the backyard dirt and the ceramic pot it was in). The leaves are now responding to light somewhat and I've gotten the plant to stand without support.

Any advice would be of great help.

*The pic on the left is of the runt next to one of my stronger growing plants (runt is on the right)

*The pic on the right is my plant in rehab.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
bad root structure. what are you feeding them.have you tryed justgiving her plain ph'ed water and see what happens in a few days. are you leting the soil dry ome b4 watering again.


Active Member
I've been watering as needed. I let my water sit out a bit (a few days) to let the chlorine evaporate. I've been feeding them grow big pretty much every other watering. I've got them in FFOF, what would I be able to do for their root structure?

By plain ph'd water do you mean right out of the faucet (seems to be a pretty neutral ph) ?


Active Member
The sick one was given to me by someone who wasn't taking care of it, but I wasn't really told anything about the plant. I'd guess about three weeks or so though


Well-Known Member
Honeslty looks over watered or over nuted... My one plant was just like that till I let it dry out even more than norml.. It perked up a bit... but still allittle weak... maybe just a seed that was not meant to be... kinda like cancer in people maybe...


Well-Known Member
Just treat it right and wait... Your other pants seem mad happy, so do what you do for them... just lower conc. of ferts and whatnot...