***Looking for creative ideas on new setup!*** +repp


Well-Known Member
Okay guys check it out...
I have a setup Ive been running for about 6 months or so.
My plants nutes and lighting are great, but my setup is mostly DIY nd kinda frustrating lol.
I built a flower box (4x4x6ft) out of reflective boards.
It does the job but I want a BETTER setup.. Like the whole room ya dig?
I also use a 2x4x6 zip tent for my mothers and clones.
Im not sure where to start on this adventure but I will by explaining the room im in.

It has 2 windows, opposite sides of the room. My vent kinda sux nd is kinda sketchy..
One window open w/a large fan sucking air in but not visiable to see form the outside in.
I need ideas on how to vent cool outside air in, nd what the hell to do w/the vented air from the box?
I rigged up a 235cfm axial fan to a home-made carbon scrubber,WHICH DONT WORK! lol.
I will buy a REAL carbon filter nd possibly a new better inline fan, BUT i rlly want to make my setup bigger/better.
Now, I Can keep my mothers and clones in the tent BUT they are getting a little crammed... SO, if I could section off like a quarter of the room for those or whatever, i just have NO ideas how to do this...
I could REALLY use some good help/advice on set-ups. Summer is comming kinda soon here nd it gets as hot as 110.. Wen summer rolls i might have to hook up the AC to the room but idk..
PLEASE ne help nd i ALWAYS +repp!
Any questions Im rdy to answer!
Thanks RIU members! L


Active Member
Need more info OP.

Dimensions of room WxLxH

As for your air question, close that fucking window. You're letting the smell of MJ right out and you're going to get in some deep shit. You don't need fresh air coming in from outside, as long as you are removing your old stale hot air it'll pull in more cool air from other places in your home. What you want to do is make sure your carbon filter is followed by your fan, not fan then filter. You want to PULL air thru the filter not push it into it. It works much better set up in this manner. You may also need a beefier fan depending on the size of your room, keep in mind that your 235 CFM is assuming that its in open air, not pulling through a carbon filter. You lose a LOT of your air movement when the air has to work its way through the filter.


Well-Known Member
FUCK! i wrote back to u nd it all erased! grr

Ok so the room is about 10x10 give or take.

The day time gets around 75+ sometimes right now, so I have no other way to getting cool air in the room... Plus no where to vent the old air.

Pulling the air across the filter first is a good idea, ima give it a try.

So IDK how to get cool air in cuz i used to have alot of heat issues.
Thx again Ex for ur reply nd let me know what u think


Active Member
What you can do is run some air ducts to your dryers exhaust vent (assuming you're in a home with a dryer :P ) and connect to the same line your dryer uses to exhaust air with a Y adapter. You can find these at Home Depot or any hardware store really.

75 isn't really a hot temp plants like the heat, although since it is winter, you can assume it WILL be a problem in the summer. Your window setup with a fan does pull in air, but the problem is it can also let air escape, which is bad to have unfiltered MJ smell out. Not good at all. Theres a couple options here.
1) You can continue using your window. If you want to do this I would recommend building a box the size of your window that will have an opening in it JUST big enough for your fan to go in. You want to make sure that there isn't any room for air to escape. If you do this you should be fine assuming the fan is running 24/7. If for any reason you need to turn the fan off, close the window BEFORE you turn it off to prevent any smell leaking out.

2) Bring in air from another room in your home. You can run some duct work up into another room with an intake fan to pull air into your room. You'll also want a fan pushing air in from the source room, again to prevent any smell from leaking elsewhere in your home.

As for the rest of your build theres a lot of ways to go. I'd say you should section off the room into 2 sections, 1 for veg, 1 for flower.
In a 10x10 room, I'd say split it right down the middle. Assuming you want to use as much space as possible you'll end up with a 5x10 and 5x10 room.

Being reasonable, and assuming you need room to work in (duh) I'd say put a 9x3.5 table in each room at the absolute largest. You'll want to make sure you leave space on the sides of your table to make sure you dont have plants pushed up against the walls not receiving light. This will leave you with roughly 1ft in front of your tray, 6" in back, and 6" on both of the sides. Assuming you have pretty standard 8-10' ceilings, I'd say make your tables around 2ft off the ground so that you have room underneath for a resevoir and to store your nutes/tools/dead bodies or what ever else you might need to put away down there. This should leave you with about 5.5ft of overhead room for plant growth and lighting placement.

When it comes to grow rooms, its really all about what works for you though. The way I designed my room I took absolutely EVERYTHING out of the room and looked at the space I had, then carefully mapped out the area making sure I would have enough space to walk around and work when I needed to. Really sit on the ideas you come up with, it helps to draw things out and even make some rough estimates of what your environment is going to be like. Try putting some random furniture thats roughly the size of the table you want and then go about your normal day and see if the placement pisses you off/makes you want to set babies aflame. If you don't like it come up with something else.

Good luck with your expansion OP.


Well-Known Member
Hard to find great feedback anymore lol.
First off, thank you sir(Im assuming) for your help!

"What you can do is run some air ducts to your dryers exhaust vent (assuming you're in a home with a dryer :P ) and connect to the same line your dryer uses to exhaust air with a Y adapter. You can find these at Home Depot or any hardware store really. "
-Unfortunately the dryer room is inaccessible. Any way to not have to go through walls or the roof? lol

"75 isn't really a hot temp plants like the heat, although since it is winter, you can assume it WILL be a problem in the summer. Your window setup with a fan does pull in air, but the problem is it can also let air escape, which is bad to have unfiltered MJ smell out. Not good at all."
-Its 75 outside but under the lamp can get alot hotter. IDK wtf imma do in the summer lol. Sometimes as we get close to the house we get hints of it, and im definitely concerned. Its not always too strong, but the warmer it is, the more potent they smell... I also put a small(recommended 10x10ft room) air purifier/ionizer in the room but i dont think its helping much.
Ive read about these and was thinking about the idea...


Sounds promising?

"1) You can continue using your window. If you want to do this I would recommend building a box the size of your window that will have an opening in it JUST big enough for your fan to go in. You want to make sure that there isn't any room for air to escape. If you do this you should be fine assuming the fan is running 24/7. If for any reason you need to turn the fan off, close the window BEFORE you turn it off to prevent any smell leaking out."
-The ledge of the window goes into the wall a little(5or6in) but I dont really understand the build.. Its a regular floor fan square nd the windows a litle taller but i DO understand how to air could escape. But the leftover vented air still needs to be

"2) Bring in air from another room in your home. You can run some duct work up into another room with an intake fan to pull air into your room. You'll also want a fan pushing air in from the source room, again to prevent any smell from leaking elsewhere in your home."
Through the duct already in the roof? Expensive ass fans to push air that far ya?
Not sure what the source room is? I understand MAYBE running 6in dryer tubing but high cfm fans..
"As for the rest of your build theres a lot of ways to go. I'd say you should section off the room into 2 sections, 1 for veg, 1 for flower.
In a 10x10 room, I'd say split it right down the middle. Assuming you want to use as much space as possible you'll end up with a 5x10 and 5x10 room.
-Thats kinda what I was thinking but not sure if i should use tarp/plastic or what... We might be moving so I might wait to put em in a guest house or just a different room. BUT I could still use some good build ideas, i.e. accessible, hanging shit, work room, COST FRIENDLY, idk nd my plants are each in a 5gal deep water culture so their about 6 ft or so a piece(including bucket) they have super large buds, the main cola and like 6 side stems are mostly bigger than my hand. Ill try to remember to post a pic or 2 at the end.



Active Member
Well if you cant vent through your dryer you're going to have to get creative. There's really no way for me to help you on that one without knowing the layout of your home so that's kinda in your hands now ;)

The ozone generator you posted should be perfect for a 10x10 area. Should remove almost all the smell. Just make sure you get some solid info on how to run it properly and where best to place it in your room (I dont use one so I'm not sure on that sorry)

Basically for your fan, just put it up in your window and use what ever you can to block off the remaining space that the fan doesnt cover on the window. You don't want like a 3 or 4" gap above the fan letting air out. Just try and minimize the extra space around the fan and you should be fine.

As for bringing air from another room, tying into your existing ductwork is bad, you'll end up with smells wafting up all over your house. You just want to run some tubing where ever you can (I cut a hole in my laundry room since its right next to my grow room, and I just have a small computer fan running 24/7 at each end of the vent to constantly pull air. Its all tucked behind my laundry bins so the air flow isnt obstructed but you also don't see it.) It's really minor modification and really easy to patch for a couple of bucks if you decide to stop growing or have to move or what not. I wouldn't recommend going through floors since thats much more labor intensive to patch if you need to.

For dividing your room, just get some 2x4s and frame up the divider, since you're dividing a 10x10 I'd say you should have 2 posts (1 on the floor 1 across the ceiling) and 3 vertical posts (1 on each end and 1 in the middle.) Fill in the frame with plastic and you can cut a sheet of plastic in half and add some velcro to make yourself a door to get between the 2 sections. When you're attaching your plastic to the frame, you want to make sure its as flat as possible, but dont OVER stretch it, if you over do it, then the plastic will pull back into shape and tear around the nails/staples you used to attach it and leak light through. Since you're using buckets you dont need a table and your system is much more modular so you don't have to worry about placement being final since you can just move things around when ever if you decide you don't like something. You can buy bruised 2x4s for like 1/2 the cost of top of the line lumber (at least you can at the Menards by me ;P ) so it should be pretty cheap.

For hanging shit it depends on what you're hanging. It doesnt matter what you use to hang things as long as you're 100% sure you dont have to worry about it falling from your ceiling. This is the only part of your room where you definitely shouldnt cut corners, you don't want your nice 1000w HPS falling to the ground and shattering. Glass and shit in your plants and $100s worth of shit to replace.