Looking for an all day high, tincture or butter


Well-Known Member
I smoke....a lot, lol and smoking during the day isn't exactly easy with work and all that jazz. In the past I made some butter and turned them into cookies. I got into the habit of getting up, getting ready and having a cup of coffee with my breakfast brownie (good times....).

The big problem I had back then was I used a whole ounce in enough butter for the cookies (2 sticks/1 cup I think) and then cut the cookies up into large squares (10 total) to make sure it was going to work. The effects were a long lasting, mellow and "with it" kind of feel good high. I was using cheap weed and just regular butter. The issue was that it was costing me $60-$75 for 10 brownies (my "guy" charges me $60 for an ounce of "regular"). So if I wanted to be able to have a couple every work day I would need like $200 a month for baked goodies alone.

I tried a tincture once too but it was so horrible I don't even want to talk about it lol.

So in terms for my buck which is better with cheap weed, butter with high far for baked goods or tincture?