Looking for Advice


Hello im doing my first lst experiment. As seen....IMG_1086.jpg
The one on the right is getting really bushy and I was wondering two things, If any one can direct me to a 400w Mh lumen penitration chart and also do you think I should Cut some of the fan leaves off for more light to lower nodes or would that just stun my plant an F up the budin process.....Its got alot of big fan leaves..IMG_1087.jpg


Well-Known Member
I've read somewhere about the Penetration of 400 W and it's around 24 inches at best. the 1000 watters support a 36" plant just fine. If you're gonna make a little prune and you see some tiny bud sites that are smaller than the rest at the bottom of the plant, you could cut them off, because they won't fully mature anyway, it will just send more energy to the other colas.


Active Member
Since it's an LST experiment then yeah for sure cut off some under growth, unless light is getting there sufficiently. Could always half harvest as well, even with a shorty.


Ok so should I cut the big fan leaves blocking the light for the lower branches? and I dont understand half harvest please to explain........Thank you chronic, how do i add u some rep?