Looking for a sticky honey like resin


Hey guys

Im making my own "herbal" non weed/illegal based drugs lol

Well I'm exprementing anyway!

Do you guys know of a substance that has "chill out" or stoner vibes that can melt down into a sticky resin like ?

Im not selling it. I don't want it to look like weed resin or anything just trying to find something that has that vibe

Was looking at wild dagga but don't think that will cook down

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Jimson weed....but be warned, you may never recover. Seriously...

My thought is this : people go, and many have gone, completely insane experimenting with new drugs, even ones derived from nature. When combining drugs realize they are not summed together but combine a new moleqular compound, much like coca leaf and wood ash. Unless you know what you're doing, perhaps you shouldnt do it. How would you enjoy tripping nuts when all of a sudden blood starts coming from your ears and eye sockets, you start foaming up, seizing, and remain catatonic. Not much fun, and it does happen. Be wise, not just high.


Lol well I have marshmallow leaves wild dagga and another one I've forgot smokes well any resins that would go ok with them?

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Well... Mild stoner vibes... Kava kava and valerian root have a....heavy indica/small dose of downers effect to them. They can be purchased in a health food store. I dont know the herbs that you have mentioned.

I used to pick a lot of shrooms...a LOT. I always wanted to take an ounce dried shrooms, a bunch of kava.and valerian root and steep it in a bottle of yagermeister (sp) for a month, take a few shots, and see how it went. I never did though, to be honest I was afraid. And possibly wisely so.

It really is no laughing matter, a mind is a horrible thing to waste. But I guess so is curiosity (said the cat)

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
You could also throw in some 5 htp (a seratonin precursor) and an mao inhibitor(which will block the reuptake of many triptomines and such at the synaptic cleft) again though, mao inhibitors are widely discouraged from being taken with other psycoactives as there is a hugely increased chance of negative drug interactions.

you may ask why I would say not to do something but tell you how... I guess because knowledge is king and the choice is yours to make.


Baybean is something I've looked at as well...

On a side note can you make resins from stuff we've talked about

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Baybean is something I've looked at as well...

On a side note can you make resins from stuff we've talked about
Well...from experience I cant acurately tell you if they will or wont, but from a theoretical standpoint all plantaterials have the capacity for resin extraction. You could try a manner of different methods such as steeping large.amounts in alcohol and evaporating the alcohol away. I suppose its even possible to make a butane extraction however its not likely to yield too much.

If doing an alcohol extraction, wormwood comes to mind. It is what is used in absinthe, it contains thujone (sp). It is from my recolection though easy to overdo and like some natural drugs is in ways a neural poison. Worth looking into though, check erowid if its still around