looking alright? buds!!


Active Member
Just wondering if these are looking OKAY? It's flowering under a 650 red LED with a 105w CFL 6900 lumens..I know it's not the amount of light that is needed but i was trying to see what would happen. Was just hoping I'd get something out of it. Here's some pics....I got about 42 small bud sites all over the plant =\ small! Anyway..let me know if it's bad or good....I really didn't know wtf I was doing haha



Active Member
I just don't get it! Some people have these plants that have huge fucking buds all over them..mine has lil' buds growing out of every corner or split of the stems. I'm talking little! Is it because of my lighting or what? I only have about 8 buds this size and the rest are a tad smaller but...WHY?!?!?


Well-Known Member
bcoz of ur lighting and maybe the strain, could be other things as well. those buds look tiny, how far is ur grow? id be abit disappointed if that was what i had to yield


Active Member
I am disappointed but I'm not sure if it's the strain or what. My other plant has one main top to it and it's looking like some other people's plants on the site. But this one is bushy and lots of tiny buds...wtf? But then again, it had poor lighting most of it's life and 3/4 of it's life I didn't know wtf I was doing.


Well-Known Member
Thats it, the lights...I'd try to bump up to T5..T12 or envirolites..if you can't do HID (mh & hps).. I've no experence with LED, but I'd guess that hardly anyone here uses led..I may be wrong, but I've not really seen any pics of a decent LED grow... Luck

* I'll wait here for all the WTF replies about LED's... :)