Lookin for clicks from fellow growers


Active Member
Greetings all,

I'm lookin for support and a second of everyones time to click this link and thats it. Im a new member of the attitude affiliate program and I'm doing it to help pay for beans. It costs you fine folks nothing at all other then a 2 second click, I hope you guys can support me and lend a hand. With the cost of equipment and hydro etc, this would really help on the beans. If I shouldnt be posting this please let me know and I can remove it, just thought it was worth a shot.

Please click here just once.

Thank you again for all those that lend a hand


Active Member
Thanks for the support so far guys, I really appreciate it, keep those clicks coming, every single one helps.

Thanks again for clicking the link in my signature, im keeping my fingers crossed and hopefully this works

So you folks are amazing, well the ones that have helped out and clicked the link for me, lets keep clicking the link in my signature . If you havent done it please do.


Active Member
Please feel free to comment on this post, what is everyone elses opinion of the affiliate program? Is anyone else signed up for it? how has it worked out for you, im sure a lot of people are curious to know. and thanks again, please click the link in my signature


Active Member
I know this is shameless but I'm really relyin on this for more beans. lol if it works you'll all know that it can be done just by clicking a link come on do it lol


Active Member
You all are great for helpin out. If anyone signs up let me know, you have my click and support, hey the 420 promo dropped today what do you guys think about it?


Active Member
Im just sayin that the equipment is expensive enough and if I get enough people to click on my signature I could get a discount the next time I order seed. Thats all. Saw it on attitude and figured hey why not give it a shot, im not askin anyone to buy something, just asking them to click the link once, i felt it was fairly harmless.


Well-Known Member
Your welcome.

Is it delegated to IP address? Because mine roams. I will keep clickin for ya.

At least you are straight up about it.

Hope you get some seeds soon.


Active Member
Your welcome.

Is it delegated to IP address? Because mine roams. I will keep clickin for ya.

At least you are straight up about it.

Hope you get some seeds soon.
Thanks man, there's nothing to not be honest about, If it works everyone should be doing it. What do you mean when you say yours roams?


Active Member
It changes. Anyone who connects to the internet using their true IP address is crazy.
Oh makes sense, well then thanks again I appreciate it. I havent gotten very many. It's just a link to the attitude home page but oh well, like i said before, just givin it a shot


Active Member
Yeah I dont have one of those, No real idea how to set one up, Im pretty good with computers but things like that escape me lol, I can grow me a nice plant tho.


Active Member
Got one of my orders in the mail today, everything was present and accounted for no damage what i could tell, great gift. thanks again everyone who has clicked on my signature and to all those that hopefully will,