Look at my friends grow space and tell me if it will be alright.


If there's anything he could add let me know, but it's not something he wants to throw money into.
600 watt MH/HPS
Temperature about 90 degrees (questionable)
4 plants at 1 time sativa/indica mixed female from seed
BOX fan for out and 8 inch for in.

Have you heard of putting a dish of water under the light to evaporate for upping air moisture?

Yeah so that's it, Can he make it till harvest?



Well-Known Member
I'd say you should find a way to lower your temps by 15 degrees. You're so close to being able to produce a lot of great bud, but with those temps, depending on the strain, you could be seriously damaging your harvest. You will get some bud out of it though, so you could always do one round, make some quick cash, and buy a good exhaust fan. Or just keep your eye out on craig's list, you can get a great deal on fans and stuff on there. Practically, there's no such thing as having too much light for your space, as long as you can ventilate it. Good luck!!


I'd say you should find a way to lower your temps by 15 degrees. You're so close to being able to produce a lot of great bud, but with those temps, depending on the strain, you could be seriously damaging your harvest. You will get some bud out of it though, so you could always do one round, make some quick cash, and buy a good exhaust fan. Or just keep your eye out on craig's list, you can get a great deal on fans and stuff on there. Practically, there's no such thing as having too much light for your space, as long as you can ventilate it. Good luck!!
Thank you for the advice. Well taken believe me


Well-Known Member

pull the air out of that space to cool it down and your set, I am using the 6 inch fan and dumping into my attic. dont reduce the light just figure out the ventilation and pull the air out and force it to pull air in so odor isnt seeping out and you can pull the air through a carbon filter down the road to reduce odor as well as cool the air


Active Member
potential, but its gonna get real hot in there. try to get a ducted hood/fan and take your ballast out of the closet. if you can vent into attic...sweet.